The sustainability of irrigation projects which use extensive open channel conveyance systems to distribute water depends to a great extent on the ability of the system to satisfy farm water needs and to ensure maximum utilization of water commanded for irrigation purposes. Assessment of project sustainability requires that performance be measured or reliably estimated by engineers, agronomists, economists, bankers, governments, farmers and other professionals and stakeholders.
This study focuses on the performance evaluation of different decision-making processes that lead to overall irrigation system performance in right bank main channel system. First, the key decisions that contribute to the overall system performance in terms of water delivery are identified by means of an analytical framework for better irrigation management. Consequently, these key decisions are described briefly and their potential performance indicators listed.
The study area was selected in the right bank of Gal Oya tank of Ampara district since some problem observed by the irrigation department as well as farmers of that area. Since Ampara district is producing nearly about 20% of national production in yala season, conducting this evaluation is more important......