Three molecular forms of a-galactosidase, one high
molecular weight form (a-galactosidase I) and two low
molecular weight forms (a-galactosidase Ila and a-galac tosi
dase lib) have been separated from the 6 days germinated
cotyledons of Cicer-arietinum seeds using acetone treatment,
pH precipitation, ammonium sulphate fractionation, gel
filtration and ion exchange chromatography. The low molecular
weight forms (a-galactosidase Ila and cr-galactosidase lib)
showed a single protein band on polyacrylamide gel electro
phoresis with electrophoretic mobilities, relative to
bromophenol blue, of 0.24 and 0.32, respectively. The apparent
molecular weights of a-galactosidase I, a-galactosidase Ila
and a-galactosidase lib, as determined by Sephadex gel filtra
tion method, were found to be 14 9,600, 56,000 and 50,000 dal
tons, respectively. On SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,
under completely reduced conditions, a-galactosidase Ila
yielded three distinct protein bands corresponding to mole
cular weight 36,000, 22,000 and 16,000 daltons and a-galactosidase
lib yielded two bands of molecular weight 40,000 and
18,000 daltons, respectively, indicating that both enzymes
have subunit structure.
The high and low molecular forms of a-galactosidase
showed identical pH profiles. The substrate specificities
in principle, were same with difference in quantitative
values. The pattern of enzyme inhibition by metal ions and
sugar analogus was similar, however, the degree of inhibition
was significantly different for each form of the enzyme.
The K values of a-galactosidase 1, a-galactosidase Ila
and a-galactosidase lib were found to be 0.56, 0.14 and
0.28 mM and V „ values were 5.3, 2.0 and 1.0 umol/min/mg,
respectively. The various a-galactosidase forms showed
markedly different thermodynamic parameters. The purified
cr-galactosidase Ila, a-galactosidase lib and the reconstituted
high molecular weight a-galactosidase are glycoproteins contain
ing 9.4/., 29.5/. and 25/. carbohydrate* respectively, composed of
N-acetylglucosamine and mannose.
The immobilized isoenzymes in calcium alginate beads
exhibited higher pH tolerance and greater thermal stability as
compared to the free enzyme. The immobilized enzyme did not
follow the michaelis-Menten kinetics.
Developmental studies of a-galactosidase isoenzymes during
germination and maturation of seeds showed that the number of
molecular forms of a-galactosidase and their relative concentra
tions varied with physiological state of the seed. In green
immature seeds (10 days after flowering), the total activity
was very low, with only low molecular weight form (a-galacto
sidase II). After 17 days of flowering high molecular weight
form (a-galactosidase 1) made its appearance and a marked
increase in total activity of a-galactosidase occurred.
From 25th to 40 days after flowering, the level of high
molecular weight form increased with a simultaneous decline
in the level of a-galactosidase II. During germination
relative level of a-galactosidase I activity which was pre
dominant in dormant seeds continuously declined with a
concomitant increase of a-galactosidase II level and finally
on seventhday of germination when the metabolic activities
were at peak the lower molecular weight a-galactosidase was
highly predominant with only very small proportion of agalactosidase
I. Thus, activity ratio of a-galactosidase I
to a-galactosidase II was completely reversed during the
process of germination.
The conversion of low molecular weight forms into high
molecular weight form a-galactosidase in vjtro on storage
shows that these forms are derived from each other depending
on the physiological state of the seed.
Treatment with cycloheximide during germination inhibited
a-galactosidase synthesis by 41/. and has reversed the pattern
of evolution of multimolecular forms of a-galactosidase,which
appeared to assume the isoenzyme pattern of the maturing seeds.
The different varieties of Cicer-arietinum seeds with
clearly distinguishable superfa.cial features have also been
found to contain different isoenzymic patterns of a-galactosidase
isoenzymes. For instance, in all white varieties of chickpea
seeds the high molecular weight form of a-galactosidase was
lacking. Instead, a very low molecular weight form (Mr=25,000
daltons) was found in these varieties which was not present in
any of the black variety seeds. On the other hand all the
black varieties of chickpea were characterized by the presence
of high molecular weight form a-galactosidase (Mr=l49,600
daltons). The number of multimolecular forms and their relative
intensity vary from variety to variety and is a function of
the physiological state of the seed.