The present study concerns with the isolation, charac
terization, development and mode of action of multiple phytase
species from Cucurbita maxima germinating cotyledons.
Six molecular forms of phytase were separated and
purified to homogeneity by SDS polyaery1amide gel electro
phoresis (SDS PAGE) from the germinating Oucurhits, maxima
cotyledons using acetone and ammonium sulphate fractionation,
Sephadcx gel (G-150) filtration and ion exchange chromato
graphy on DBAS- and CM-cellulose. Gel filtration produced
two peaks of phytase activity representing the high molecular
weight (phytase I) and the low molecular weight (phytase II)
species. The phytase I was further resolved into 5 distinct
species on GM-cellulose. These were designated as phytase IA,
IB, IC, ID and IB according to their elution order. The phy
tase II emerged as a single pea,k both from DBAB and CMcellulose
columns. The molecular weights of phytase IA, IB,
IC, ID, IE and II as determined by SDS PAGE were found to be
6Q?56| 63,096; 43,657? 77,625; 33,905 and 29,5l2 Daltons res
Some other properties characterising the multiple forms
of phytase (IA, IB, IC, ID, IE and II) were determined using
phytic acid as substrate. The PH optima curves for all the
enzymes were sharply peaked at 5.0, 4.8, 5.0, 5.2, 4.4 and
5.6. The temperature optima of phytase I isoenzymes (IA, IB,
IC, ID and IE) lie between 45-50°C but for phytase II it was
found to be sharp at 55°C. The values of temperature coef
ficient Q10, between 30° and 40°C for phytase isoenzymes
were found to be ranging from 1.3 to 2.3. All the phytase I
isoenzymes were thermally stable upto 40 C, but phytase II
was stable upto 50 C.
The effect of temperature on the kinetic parameters of
different phytase species are reported in terms of energy of
activation (B)9 enthalpy change (aH), free energy change(AG)
and entropy change (aS). Both Km and V^ values increase
with increasing temperature. Ea of phvtase isoenzymes are
different ranging from 3685 to 6909 Kcal/mole. aH values
are positive indicating that in all cases the reaction is
endothermic. AG values for phytase isoenzymes were found to
be varying from 923 to 1845 Kcal/mole. aS values were found
to be very low suggesting that phytase3 undergo little con
formational change during enzyme substrate complex formation.
The Arrhenius plots of log ?m(lv versus l/T in the temperature
range 30°-50°C were found linear indicating that B& remains
constant during reactions.
The substrate affinity of different phytase species
were determined towards different myoinositol polyphosphates
on the basis of V^ /IC values. The data indicated that the
Iuc—jC 111
myoinositol hexaphosphate is the most suitable substrate for
enzyme II followed by IE and IB. Similarly myoinositol pentaphosphate
is preferably hydrolysed by enzyme IB followed by
enzyme II. The myoinositol tetraphosphate is a preferred
substrate for both enzyme II and ID but the myoinositol
triphosphate is the most suitable substrate for enzyme II.
Diphosphates and monophosphates show preference for enzyme IB
smd II. In addition, the phytase II exhibits high substrate
affinity for all inositol polyphosphates which may be of
physiological significance, as this enzyme makes its appea
rance at a very late stage of germination when both the level
of phytase I activity and the concentration of phytase are
very low.
The mode of dephosphorylation of myoinositol hexaphosphate
(MlPg) by individual phytase isoenzyme was studied
in vitro. The phosphorus-containing intermediates formed
during hydrolysis of MlPg were isolated by ion-exchange and
paper chromatography and identified by pcriodate oxidation
and acid catalysed phosphate migration across cis OH groups
and by IR spectroscopy of sugar alcohols formed on periodate
cleavage of myoinositol phosphates followed by reduction and
dephosphorylation with NaBH4 and HC1, respectively. These
results showed that the dephosphorylation of phytic acid by
all the molecular species of phytase, proceeds in a stepwise
On the basis of kinetic data and the pattern of deve
lopment of different phytase isoenzymes end assuming that the
relative concentrations of different phytases together with
substrate affinity, nature and relative substrate concentra
tions should determine the course of phytate dephosphoryla
tion in vivo, the possible role of each phytase isoenzyme has
been suggested (Fig. l). For example, phytase IB seems to be
Phy. ID _
Phy IB Phy. I E
(P-1.2.3,4,5.SJ (P-1.2,3,4,5) ( P-1,2, 3, C)
Phy II
( M[p .. Myoinositol phosphate ester)
( P Phosphate group)
P-1,2 3)
[ P-2. 3.4 )
Fig 1 - Dephosphorylation Pathway of Phytic Acid
Phy. IE Phy. IE
MI R, —^ MI p!
Phy II
-> Inositol
2 7^ ' s~
A P-2, 3 ) Phy II ( P-2) Phy II
involved to the selective dephosphorylation of MIP6 at
position No. 6to yield corresponding MIP5 and the lower
molecul*r for™, of phytase heing more specific for the lower
inositol phosphates.
The developmental pattern of the multimolecular spe
cies to germinating Pipkin cotyledons was investigated
hy separattog the different molecular forms and analysing for
their relative levels of activities at different stages of
germination. So phytase activity was present to the unimhihed
intact cotyledons tat the early phase of germination perxed,
hetween first and seventh day, was mart* hy the high r<*e of
synthesis of the high molecular weight enzyme, phytase I.
species with very little synthesis of low molecular weight
enzyme, phytase II. In the later stages of germination,
hetween 9th and 15th day, there was a sharp decline to the
level of Phytase I activity with simultaneous rise in phy
tase II activity level. It is remarkable to note that to the
very onset of germination (first 12 hours of germination),
the isoenzyme IB was found to account for more the* half of
the total phytase I activity followed hy phytase IA (25 V. ).
However, the activity level of IB enzyme declined rapidly and
heoame nearly insignificant to ahout 48 hrs of germination.
-,*= lndioate that to the very early period of ger- These results rnuice-Tie suw **
tb <• rasoonsihlo for dephosphorylation mination, isoenzyme IB is respond l
of myoinositol hexaphosp»h,„a+t„e, tthhee oprriimma.rivj form of reserve
The enzyme IA shows somewhat a different pattern of
development. Its activity level increases upto 48 hrs contri
buting about 50 V. of the total phytase I activity. This
state is maintained upto 180 hrs. After this peak period the
level of its activity starts declining slowly indicating that
the enzyme IA plays a major role in the phytate metabolism
during 43 to 130 hours germination period when the activity
of all other phytase I isoenzymes was low. At this moment it
is not certain if the enzyme IA and IB are structurally related.
The molecular weight data and developmental pattern,
however, indicate such relationship, i.e. IB may be the precursor
of IA.
Enzyme IC and ID showed minor activities. Their acti
vities were found to be maximum at 84 and 48 hours of germi
nation respectively. After that they started declining and
became insignificant by the end of germination (15 days).
The enzyme IE was found to follow yet another develop
mental pattern as its activity increases progressively from
merely 10 -/.after 12 hrs, upto 70 -/.of phytase I activity at
the end of 372 hours of the germination. So it seems that
enzyme IE plays rather a supplementary role for the enzyme IA
especially in the later stages of germination.
The synthesis of phytase II enzyme (low molecular
weight) starts only after 36 hours of germination and unlike
phytase I its activity goes on increasing through the total
germination period of 15 days. In fact, the activity level of
phytase II clearly becomes dominant between l2th and l5th day
of germination. Like phytase IE, the role of this enzyme also
seems to supplement the phytase IA in the later period of
germination when only lower inositol phosphates such as tri-,
di- and monophosphates would be available in relatively
higher concentrations than phytate as substrate.
Thus, it seems that the relative concentrations of
different isoenzymes are related to the stage of germination
and may be responsible for the regulation of the overall
phytate metabolism in germinating cotyledons of pumpkin