DDT residue in soil from 50 sites surrounding a DDT factory
in Delhi were monitored. DDT was detected in all the samples.
Total DDT ranged from 0.498 to 7.270 ppm with a mean value of
1.670 ppm. The highest concentration of total DDT, 7.270 ppm,
was detected in the soil from Durga Nagar in the vicinity of
a DDT factory. Other areas surrounding DDT factory contained
moderate to high levels of DDT and its metabolites in soil.
West Zone soils were heavily contaminated with DDT residues
as compared to other zones of Delhi.
Blood samples from 50 occupationally unexposed volunteers
of Delhi area were examined for DDT residuesl The total DDT
concentration in the whole blood ranged from 0.112 to 0.663 ppm
in males and 0.053 to 0.560 ppm in females. The DDT metabolites
detected were : p,p*-DDE, o,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDT and very low
quantities of p,p'-DDD. DDE accounted for most of the total
DDT. Age was shown to have no effect on blood DDT levels but
dietary habits influenced the accumulation of DDT in the blood;
non-vegetarians had higher total DDT in the blood as compared
to vegetarians (p<0.05).
Transfer of organochlorine pesticides from mother to
fetus was studied in 50 women. The concentrations of DDT and
its metabolites were examined in maternal blood, placental
tissue and umbilical cord blood of the same mother/child pair.
Residue levels of DDT and its metabolites were detected in all
the samples analyzed indicating their transfer from mother to
fetus via placenta. No effect of age and dietetic habits was
found on accumulation of DDT and its metabolites in pregnant
The excretion of DDT and its metabolites in human milk
was studied. The circulating blood and breast milk of
nursing Indian mothers were examined for the presence of DDT
and its metabolites. The mean total DDT in milk (2.030 ppm)
was significantly higher than that of blood (0.253 ppm;
p<0.001). The daily intake of total DDT residues by an
Indian child weighing 5 kgs and consuming 1 kg of milk per
day was calculated to be 0.406 mg/kg body weight per day-
Premature labour and toxemia of pregnancy due to the
higher concentrations of DDT and its metabolites were studied.
Considerably higher amounts of DDT residues were reported in
the maternal blood, placental tissue and umbilical cord blood
of women undergoing premature labour and toxemia of pregnancy
as compared with women with full term pregnancy. The following
trend was observed:
Premature > Toxemia > Full term
Storage of DDT residues in relation to disease was investgated.
High DDT levels were reported in the blood and uterine
tissues of women undergoing hysterectomy as compared to blood
and uterine tissues collected at the time of autopsy. The total
DDT concentrations in blood and uterine tissues showed no
correlation with the age.
The health effects posed by DDT residues in general
population were studied to explore the possible health hazards.
No consistent pattern of abnormalities was present either in
medical histories or physical examination, nor were any clinical
symptoms found to be associated with the concentration of DDT in
the blood.
There was also a paucity of abnormal results in the
biochemical studies. No correlation was observed between
DDT concentration in the blood and altered biochemical test
results, if any. The Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
and hemoglobin levels were within the normal limit.