The Upper Ganga Canal (UGC) was commissioned in the year 1854, by diverting water from the River Ganga at Haridwar into the UGC system. Successive improvements have been made over the years and the design discharge of 189 cumecs
• has been gradually increased to present-day capacity of 297 cumecs. The total command area of UGC is 2.023 M ha out of which the CCA on outlets is 1.011 M ha. This is spread over the western part of Uttar Pradesh and some part of Uttranchal State in India.
The original planning and design objectives of the scheme are not relevant in context of present day extensive agriculture and ever increasing irrigation demands existing for all the time in a year. A major part of water supply is going through the extensive sugarcane cultivation in the upper part of the project area.
Right Main Distributary system (takes off from Deoband Branch) having a total CCA of 5890 ha, is proposed to be studied in this dissertation. Field studies and research covered in the dissertation had been carried out during last one year. The dissertation prepared from this study consists of seven chapters as mentioned in the contents. It has been observed in different irrigated command areas, that the gap between the irrigation potential created and its utilization is large. This large gap is due to various reasons including lack of equity, reliability and availability in distribution of water in the entire command area, insufficient use of water, deterioration of physical system, adverse environmental impact, water logging and others