Performance of a Water Distribution Network (WDN) can be studied in terms of mechanical, hydraulic and water quality reliability. Here, mechanical reliability is the ability of distribution network components to provide continuing and long-term operation without the need for frequent repair, modifications, or replacement of components or subcomponents, Hydraulic reliability can be defined as the probability that the system can provide the demanded flow rate at the required pressure head. Water quality reliability can be defined as the ability to predict the water quality changes during transmission. Due to the random nature of pipeline failure, and future water demands, pressure heads and water quality changes throughout the networks under normal and abnormal conditions. Thus, the estimation of water distribution networks reliability is subjected to uncertainty. In the present study, performance of a WDN has been carried out. A methodology is presented to estimate the nodal and system hydraulic reliabilities of water distribution networks that accounts for these uncertainties. The framework for the methodology is based upon a Monte Carlo simulation consisting of three major components, i.e., random generation of nodal demands, hydraulic and water quality simulation under normal and abnormal conditions using a hydraulic simulator (EPANET), and computation of performance indices. The methodology is discussed with the help of an illustrative water distribution network consisting of 21 pipes and 17 demand nodes.