Hydrodynamic studies of dilute nodium chloride salt solution of ones two and three per cant concentration in marling flow an long horizontal tubes and heat transfer studies in it swirl flow double pipe heat exchanger aro conducted. Two tubes of 541 etto and 141 eta Z.D.. and 380 ems length and one tubs of 2.54 won X.D. and 285 ems length yen employed for the hydrodynamic studious Two swirl chamber° ans of mild "stool having 11.50 ceW I.D. and 140 coup I.A. tangential inlets find other of perspex having 1D*30 ems I.D. and film different pate of tangential =trio° were used for genorating twirling flow • An aluniriuta 0040 swirl chapter* hating same dimension° as that of peropaat twirl eta:mbar* was Tined for the beat transfer studies. Only 040 not of tangential entries of 1.27 eta I.D. out of five nate wan used ft both hydrodynamic and teat transfer studious
Predicted pressure drops for oft the runs tarn for hydrodynamic studies for various seta of Parameters were calculated Using Sburnaai21) generallood correlation for predictingprenoure drops in long horizontal tutees for swirling flow without taverna-1.M was Obmarired that correlation was applicable fOr diluttr sodium chloride molt nolutiona also for the ranes of concentration studied with ± 20 percent accuracy...............