dc.description.abstract |
The thesis entitled * OAS-SO =DIU ON IN ANNULUS*. is presented in seven Chapters.
In Chapter4 a brief introduction to fluidistrtton and scope of the present work are presented.............
Chapter-II contains the literature review pertaining to eeiaims fluidising velocity, pressure drop and baffled fluidised beds.
Chapter I presents the equipments fabricated for condue-
ting exPerimate in annulus and straight tube. Nxporimentel proce-dures for the determination of physical properties of materials and for obtaining data in annulus and straight tube, are discussed.
Chapter•IV deals with the experimental data obtained on variation of pressure drop with air mass velocity in straight tabs!, for three materials viz., spherical glass beads, crushed calcite and bauxite, in the sues ranging from 440, 629 and 927 microns.
Exp wizen ta
pressure drop with air
seas velocity in annulus is presen in Chap r-V for identical conditions as in straight tube. The weight of the bed per unit cress-sectional area of annulus was kept the same as in the corresponding straight tube.
The pressure drop experienced in annulus was higher than that in a straight tube. There was noticeable circulation of the solid particles upwards through the centre ere down, along the wall of the corumn. |
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