According to the National Water Policy 2002 of India, water resources development and management will have to be for hydrological unit such as drainage basin as a whole or a sub-basin, taking into account surface and ground waters for sustainable use incorporating quantity and environmental consideration. All individual development projects and proposals should be formulated and considered within the frame work of such an overall plan keeping in view the existing agreements/awards for a basin or sub-basin so that the best possible combination of options can be selected and sustained. Water should be made available to water short areas by transfer from other areas including transfers from one river basin to another, if necessary, based on a national perspective, after taking into account the requirements of all areas/basins. Integrated and coordinated development of surface water and ground water resources and their conjunctive use, should be envisaged right from the project planning stage and should form an integral part of the project implementation. Irrigation intensity should be such as to extend the benefits of irrigation to as large a number of farm families as possible, keeping in view the needs to maximize production. Irrigation being largest consumer of fresh water, the aim should be to get optimal productivity per unit of water. In view of the vital importance of water for human and animal life, for maintaining ecological balance and 'for economic and development activities of all kinds, and considering its, increasing' scarcity, the planning and management of this resource and its optimal and equitable use has becomes a matter of the utmost urgency.