Land transformation is one of the foremost fields of human-induced environmental change
with an extensive history dating back to antiquity. The process of land transformation has not
abated, but rather accelerated and diversified with the onset of industrial revolution and the
expansion of population and technological capacity. Settlement refers to the occupation of
land for human living.
Monitoring and evaluating the growth of urban settlements is essential in order to avoid
environmental problems such as, depletion of natural resources, increased pollution levels,
loss of green cover etc., especially in developing countries where cities are experiencing a
rapid growth. It is of vital importance for urban planners to not only understand the past and
present urban growth patterns but also be able to predict the future growth patterns. This is
where spatial models of urban growth become useful. These models not only provide an
understanding of urban dynamics, but also provide realizations of the numerous potential
scenarios that an urban system may take.
In recent years, Cellular Automata (CA) techniques have evolved as possible alternatives for
urban growth simulation due to their potential for dynamic spatial simulation capability and
affinity towards GIS and remote sensing. However, the CA based models highly depend on
formation of transition rules, which is often subjective, as these are based on expert's
opinions. Secondly in Indian context, very few attempts have been made to develop CA
based models for assessing the urban growth.
The present research aims to apply CA based models to simulate urban growth in two typical
Indian cities having markedly different growth patterns and to examine the efficacy of
Artificial neural networks (ANN) in formation of transition rules for CA based modeling and
its comparison vis a vis multi-criteria evaluation technique (MCE). Besides, the effect of
different neighbourhoods viz Von Neumann and Moore neighbourhood in CA modelling has
also been investigated. The simulated urban growth has been evaluated, based on cell by cell
match using Percent correct match (PCM) and spatially using Moran Index and Entropy.
Finally using ANN, an urban growth zonation map depicting zones having different growth
potential at an ordinal scale has also been generated and evaluated.
The proposed CA based models have been implemented in two Indian cities namely
Dehradun with geographical extents 30°15' N to 30°25' N and 77°55' E to 78°10' E. The
region is experiencing a fast urban growth, which is taking place in a dispersed manner
mainly along the roads and Saharanpur with geographical extents 29°55' N to 30°0' N and
77°30' E to 77°35' E. The city is expanding onto the nearby fertile agricultural land in a
compact manner, mainly along the roads. The following datasets have been used to generate
various thematic data layers for the two study area:
a) Remote sensing data: IRS-1C LISS-III and IRS-P6 LISS IVmultispectral, PAN,
and aerial photographs
b) Survey of India toposheets at 1:50,000 scale (53J/3,53F/15 and 53G/9)
c) Guide map at 1:20,000 scale
d) Master plans at 1:20,000 scale
The ERDAS Imagine image processing software has been used for processing and analysis of
remote sensing data. The GIS analysis has been carried out using ArcGIS software while
ANN processing has been done in Neural Network Tool Box ofMATLAB software.
The following GIS data layers have been generated from remote sensing data and other data
i) Land cover maps showing built-up/non built-up areas for years 1997, 2001, 2005
from digital image classification of IRS LISS III images of Dehradun city. For
Saharanpur city, built-up/non built-up areas maps for years 1993 and 2001
through visual interpretation of aerial photographs (1:10,000 scale) and IRS PAN
ii) Road network maps from LISS III and PAN images, master plan and guide maps
iii) City core map after consultation with local planning authorities. In these GIS
layers, the boundary of reserved forests, restricted areas and public lands have
been masked out.
The proposed CA models take into consideration only the physical factors affecting urban
growth. Social and economic factors have not been considered due to non availability of
accurate data pertaining to these factors. The three physical factors considered are,
i) Distance to city core
ii) Accessibility to infrastructural facilities
iii) Distance to road network
Corresponding to these three factors, following four raster maps have been created in GIS,
i) Map showing Euclidian distance of each cell from the nearest road
ii) Map showing Euclidean distance of a cell from the nearest built-up
iii) Map showing Euclidian distance of each cell from the city core
iv) Map showing amount of built-up cells in neighbourhood
In the MCE based CA model (MCE-CA), the urban growth suitability is first generated using
the MCE technique. The weights are assigned to the three factors using Analytical
Hierarchical Process (AHP) technique. Taking the MCE generated suitability map as an
input, the MCE-CA model is run iteratively for user-defined number of iterations and the
amount of built-up in the neighourhood is estimated using Von Neumann and Moore
neighbourhoods of sizes varying from 3x3 cells to 39x39 cells. Using different combinations
of the neighborhood and model iterations, the MCE-CA model has been executed several
times for each of the study areas, so as to determine the optimum values of the parameters.
For the Dehradun city, the model has been calibrated for the period 1997-2001. Since for this
city, the actual growth for the period 2001-2005 is available, the model is validated for year
2005. For Saharanpur city, the model has been calibrated for the period 1993-2001. Using the
calibrated model, future urban growth simulation for year 2011 has been carried out for both
the study areas.
In the ANN based CA model (ANN-CA), a multilayered feed forward ANN with one input
layer, one or two hidden layers and one output layer has been designed and trained using
backpropagation algorithm. The input layer consists of 4 neurons corresponding to the four
variables. The output layer consists of 1 neuron corresponding to whether a cell location
changed from non-built-up to built-up (l=change, 0=no change). The number of neurons in
the hidden layer has been finalized in two ways: i) based on literature driven thumb rules and
ii) by trial and error. The ANN, producing the highest accuracy has been selected for
simulation. The output from ANN is a map showing the development potential of cells. All
the cells have not transitioned immediately to built-up. Only the cells that have a
development potential above a certain threshold are changed. The size ofneighbourhoods has
been fixed as 5x5 cells for Dehradun city and 13x13 cells for Saharanpur city, as identified
from MCE-CA model.
The accuracy of the simulated urban growth has been determined using two measures:
i) Percent correct match (PCM) for cell by cell assessment and ii) Moran Index (I), a spatial
statistical indicator to assess the pattern of growth.
An urban growth zonation map has also been generated based on the ANN outputs. The ANN
output shows the development potential of each cell, based on which the study area has been
categorized into three zones (i.e. high, medium and low) showing the urban growth potential
on an ordinal scale. Since the ANN outputs are not normally distributed, a logit
transformation has been applied to make the data normally distributed. The transformed data
has then been categorized into three classes as low potential zone < (u-a), (u-a) < medium
potential zone < (u+ a), (u+ a) < high potential zone, where u is mean and a is the standard
deviation. These urban growth zonation maps have been validated by overlaying them with
the actual urban growth maps for the respective years, to find the spatial distribution of actual
urban growth in each zone.
Further, the simulated growth patterns for both study areas have also been evaluated using
relative entropy. It is a structural measurement index that assesses the goodness of fit
according to the spatial domain of interest, which in this case is the distribution of urban
growth with respect to distance from roads and distance from the city core.
The results show that for Dehradun city which has a dispersed growth pattern, Von Neumann
neighbourhood of small size produces the highest accuracy, in terms of pattern and location
of urban growth. While for Saharanpur city which has a compact growth pattern, large
neighbourhoods, produces the most optimum results irrespective of the neighbourhood. It has
also been observed that large number of model iterations does not increase the model
accuracy, as they have resulted in an increasingly compact patterns as compared to the actual
growth. This may be due to unplanned and stochastic behavior of urban growth process in
Indian cities, which the CA models have not been able to simulate completely.
The ANN-CA model also produces comparable results as obtained from the MCE-CA model.
This shows that the ANN are able to define the CA transition results directly from the
database without human intervention, which proves the usefulness of ANN in urban growth
simulation. In ANN-CA model, the ANN architecture based on literature driven thumb rules
produces better or comparable results than those obtained from the optimal network from trail
and error.
The urban growth zonation maps, obtained from ANN outputs show that most of the
simulated growth has taken place in the high potential zone followed by the medium and low
potential zone. Thus, the delineated urban growth zones matched with the actual growth
pattern. These results demonstrate that ANN can be used effectively in reducing the
subjectivity involved in the urban zonation process.
The simulation results have also been evaluated at a macro level using relative entropy. The
evaluation of the simulation results using relative entropy, indicate that the model has been
able to simulate the distribution of urban growth with respect to roads and city core
accurately. The study also demonstrates the usefulness of PCM and Moran Index as simple
indicators for evaluating the simulation results on a cell by cell basis and at spatial level
Thus, the proposed CA based models and the urban growth zonation approach developed in
this research can be very fruitful for the urban planners in planning and regulating the future
growth in Indian cities.