The river stage is a function of channel geometry and fluvial properties of a stream or a channel. On some occasion, it. becomes necessary to study and manage the water level variation in- a channel through suitable channel modification techniques such as - straightening, deepening, widening or a combination of both. In this dissertation the study has been carried out for knowing the consequences of various channel modification alternatives on stage level of a channel by using numerical model i.e. HEC RAS. The HEC River Analysis System model, better known as HEC RAS, is a product of U.S. Army Corps of Engineer ' s Hydrologic Engineering Center, which considers both steady and unsteady flow conditions.
For the above purposes the geometric data of the River Kakkad, which is situated in the state of Kerala have been used. The manifestation of the stage level of the river with the discharges and the cross sections were investigated with the help of numerical model (HEC RAS) for various channel modification alternatives. The out come of the study is synthesized for recommending the economical way of river channel modification technique.
Study has shown that various river channel modification alternatives can be conveniently examined. with the help of computer based-numerical simulation models.