dc.description.abstract |
Though the practice/profession of architecture is as old as the beginning of
human civilization, the profession has undergone extensive growth and changes
since then. As architecture is linked with people and places, which by themselves
are dynamic, the profession has been adjusting itself to the changing needs of
the society through ages. However the world is in the middle of the most intense
and substantial state of flux, never witnessed in the history of mankind.
Revolutionary transformations triggered primarily by dramatic economic growth
and the free flow of social, cultural and creative ideas across borders are
sweeping across the world and more so in developing countries like India and
China, which are the fastest growing economies of the world. This has been
made possible by globalization and revolutions in the Information Technology.
However, the new dynamism introduced by globalization in the businesses
worldwide and the zeal displayed by the Indian industry in search of new markets
(as also the economic benefits) is yet to find its reflection in architecture
profession in spite of the tremendous growth in construction and real estate
sectors in India.
The liberal economic policies of the government have put India on fast
track of development and growth with its gross domestic product (GDP) touching
two digits, with India allowing foreign direct investment (FDI) up to 100% in many
sectors including construction and real estate and permission to raise reality
mutual funds, real estate and construction sectors have become two of the most
preferred destinations for FDI as well as domestic investments, which pegged at
$16 billion in 2006-07 is estimated to reach $60 billion by 2010. The phenomenal
growth of construction industry with almost 10% increase in annual production of
cement, (a prime constituent of construction) is clear indicator of the development
activities going on in the country. All this has created a huge demand of skilled
professionals in the country. However this boom has not benefited all architects.
Not only Indian architectural firms by and large are yet to become
multinational companies working in international markets (particularly in the
developed world) with the exception of few projects by renowned architects; most
of the architectural firms (specially the small and medium sized firms and those
practicing in small and medium towns) are finding it difficult to get sufficient
number/size of projects and/or provide the services required of them in view of the
competition faced from the multinational architectural firms that have started
working in India, which have wide experience of handling large projects and
knowledge of advanced technology.
Globalization has brought with it international competition in trade and
services (including architecture) giving rise to unprecedented challenges as well
as opportunities for architects. Outsourcing professional services (including
architectural services) is another emerging trend, which has the potential of
redefining the profession in the coming years. Multinational architectural
consultancy firms coming to India have given rise to new challenges, which
demand international quality and highest level of efficiency. Entirely new
construction technologies and range of new materials, which were hitherto
unknown to Indians, have entered the Indian markets. Besides, due to revolution
in information technology, information has become universally available and the
knowledge of what is happening in any part of the world can reach other parts
within seconds. Whereas better knowledge of emerging trends of architecture
styles is an advantage, it throws up new challenges as plagiarism has also
become rampant.
Thus, every professional in post globalize era is challenged to provide best
of design/service, prove its uniquenessAA/orth using cutting edge technologies in
very short time with nominal fee. A target that is very difficult to achieve without
the help of state of art technology, managerial skills, flexibility in approach and a
totally committed team work, all of which need to be incorporated in the training
Whereas on one hand a larger scale/size of real estate
development/projects are being handled by foreign architects at exorbitant fees;
many Indian architects are finding it difficult to get projects and/or sufficient fees,
specially in small towns and cities. This bipolar situation requires a proper
understanding of the current scenario of the type of services required from
architect and the competence required of architecture professionals to deliver
them, and consequently the appropriateness of the architectural education being
imparted in the country for the survival and the growth of the profession, Which at
present is rooted in age old model introduced by Britishers in early 20th century32.
Changing Role of Architect in Society
The role of architect has changed drastically from being a master builder
of tombs and temples during ancient periods to designer of churches , plazas and
palaces in renaissance period to designer of housing after world wars as 'a
servant of society', designer of industrialized buildings using latest innovations
and technology in post- industrial revolution period, to designer of 'High-tech'
buildings for the new princes of corporation and financial institutions and
merchant princes, to playing significant role in energy conservation (after 1970
energy crisis) and environmental protection and to a well defined professional
delivering a diverse range of services during the post modern period 96.
Radical changes consequent upon globalization and IT revolution have
dramatically changed the role of architects in the contemporary society. Not only
have the types and size of buildings to be designed/built and clients have
changed, there has been a significant change in the services to be provided by
the architects. Architects are required to work in team and to collaborate with
other specialists especially for larger projects. Collaborations among the many
parties involved in the design and construction of built environment has become
imperative not only at regional or national level but also for extending their limits
overseas to avail opportunities provided by globalization.
In addition, architects like other service providers in a market driven
economy have to be good businessmen and managers for successful practice.
Architects are also likely to play a bigger social role in dealing with the concerns
of the society such as climate change and improvement in social infrastructure
particularly in developing countries like India. Therefore, the architect in future is
likely to act as collaborator, facilitator and as specialist in a teamwork rather than
a solo artist or a team leader. Whereas, the architects coming out of the schools
at present are considered ill-equipped to handle such varied roles,
necessatitating a review and reorientation of architectural education in the
Need of Study
There can be no substantiate overhaul of architectural education unless
we understand the profession of architecture itself. The major challenge is in
providing a curriculum that prepares students for professional practice in most
challenging international pressures.
It is vital for all concerned to understand the roles architects are playing in
the society; the services they are extending; the way they are managing their
business, the problems they are facing in extending these services etc.
Thus, a study is warranted which look into the present status of
architectural profession so that architectural education can be modify to serve the
profession better. Keeping all this in mind, a study of contemporary architectural
practices in India has been undertaken for doctoral research with the following
There exist a yawning gap between the Contemporary architectural
practices & its education in the country, so the knowledge structure, skills &
abilities required to face the challenges posed by globalization are not adequately
addressed / taught in its formal education.
Thus...'Existing architecture education system in India needs to be
reoriented, if required replaced by an appropriate model as early as possible
Significance of the Study
No such study has been conducted so far in the country. However, similar
studies have been conducted in other parts of the world to aid the healthy
development of the profession in general and its education in particular in view of
globalization. A study of this kind is most warranted in the present circumstances
to understand the intricacies of the profession and to reorient its education for its
present and futuristic needs.
Benefits of the Study
The proposed research will benefit the following:
The professional institutes like COA, IIA &AICTE. The findings will help
them take appropriate decisions for laying down norms for architecture
education and for the healthy development of architecture profession.
The academic institutes - to reorient their course content to address
current and future needs of profession and society.
- The fresh graduates who are struggling for respectable living within the
profession and the students - who are preparing themselves for this
Aims and Objectives
The Aim: This present endeavor aims at investigating the current scenario
of architecture practices and the critical issues confronting the profession.
Objectives: In order to achieve the above stated aims, the following
objectives have been framed:
1. To understand the current scenario of architectural practices.
2. To seek practitioners feedback on critical issues confronting
architecture professionals consequent upon globalization, economic
liberalization and technological advancements.
3. To explore the appropriateness of the knowledge structure being
taught by the architectural schools, values and skills critically required
for practice, from the practicing architects, in India.
Exploratory and descriptive research method using quantitative techniques
has been implied in this study. Interviews as well as survey techniques have
been used to seek the information from practicing architects on the targeted
Survey Tools and Techniques: A self-constructed questionnaire has
been used to seek the opinion of practitioners on 5-point scale formulated108 on
the basis of study of available literature and interviews of practicing architects. A
pilot survey was conducted in and around Chandigarh, a land mark architectural
city, to check the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. The sample for the
pilot study was collected from more than forty registered practicing architects. On
the basis of its analysis and the suggestions made by the respondents suitable
amendments/ suggestions were incorporated before collecting the data at
national level
Sampling Techniques: Stratified random sampling techniques have been
employed for this investigation. The questionnaire was send through post or
emailed to registered practicing architects in five zones of India (North, East,
South West, and Central) to collect the sample. In every zone 4 to 5 main cities
(with maximum number of Registered Practicing Architects) constitute the
Statistical Analysis: Non-parametric statistical procedures have been
adopted. Percentage, weighted means and chi-square test have been applied to
analyze the data. Software tool SPSS (Statistical package for the social sciences)
has been employed for this investigation.
Salient findings
The study revealed the changing ground realities of contemporary
architectural practices. As shown in the table below it was reported in this study
that majority architects are not getting fees as per Council of Architecture norms;
i.e. their design ability are not suitably rewarded. It is also pointed out that the
firms focusing on 'Only design service' will find it difficult to survive; they need to
provide more than just design. Providing turnkey services has emerged as an
important clients demand.
When asked to reflect on the statements 'Larger the firm easier is the
survival' and 'Small firms unless specialize will not survive' majority agreed,
which clearly indicates that collaborations and ability to work in team have
become important for successful survival, Those who wish to have individual
identity (remain small in size) must specialize to face the challenges posed by
The Council of architecture norms debars the architects to advertise their
services or to participate in tender bids, (which are so commonly seen in
newspapers, advertised even by the government departments) whereas in the
changing business environment, where all service providers do advertise their
achievements highlighting their competitiveness, Why to debar the architects.
This study significantly shows that almost half are in favour of omitting these
clauses from professional code of conduct.
Statement Agree Donot Djsagree Missing
Architects do not get fee as per COA
scale of charges
Firms that focus entirely on design will
become obsolete
Larger the firm easier is the survival
Small firms unless specialize will not
Architects should be free to advertise
their Services
Architects have no option than to
participate in tender bids
-\yi cc
Know Cases
93.0% 0.5% 3.3% 3.3%
52.6% 18.8% 24.9 3.8%
56.3% 18.3% 24.4 .9%
58.2% 8.5% 31.9 1.4%
49.8% 16.9% 31.0 2.3%
46.5% 8.5% 41.8 3.3%
When asked to rank the most important skill/ ability to run a successful
practice, architects across the nation have ranked business ability foremost
followed by sound technical knowledge. They also reported, managerial skills
especially budget management, project/construction management, are essential
for architects. Only 20% agree that these subjects are adequately taught by
architectural schools.
The results have been cross tabulated across different age groups and
few other variables like region, client served and preference of opting architecture
as career. Chi-square test applied to find out the difference of opinion among
different categories of architects to find out the relationship between various
variables at 0.05 level of significance and reported accordingly. |
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