Audio.ivisual facility is one of the most important tool of communication* which is an art of transmitting the information, ideas and attitudes from person to peroon, by seeing and hearing simultaneously. It io playing the eignifioant role not only in the field of recreation but also in education, Wetness and commerce, and communication proceoe.
There are various means and methods of recrea-, tion and entertainment. Magazines. nottapapero, books etc. can help those who have attained a certain stan-dard of proficiency in language. Radio and tolevielon requires some initial investment and the coot of maintenance. Nan feels tired and bored after the day's work, so the talking and reading at ouch time requires too much of an effort. The common can cannot afford to Join institution like club�Â�°, societies, hotels etc., merely because of their economic standards. But the audiouPvinual facility, employed for recreation which in known as 'CUM', provides recreation as well an knowledge to general masses at cheaper rate. Today, it has merged deeply in the social life of the common masses. Due to rising demand of cinema, film industry flourished to ouch....................