dc.description.abstract |
The Management Information System is making available to management accurate and timely information necessary to facilitate the decision making process and enable the organization's planning, control and operational function to be carried out effectively, at minimum cost. It is an important management tool.
It timely information the managers about the achievements of goals, shortcoming and helps in their timely rectification.
To judge the quality of information, the reported facts should be compared with the reality.
The more accurate the information the higher is its quality and more securely managers can rely on it when making decision. In general cost of obtaining information increases as the quality of the desired information become higher.
It is difficult to quantify quality, the value of information and determines its cost effectiveness. It depends upon project-to-project, and level of manager. However, if the potential saving from the information are out weighed by the cost of the information system, or another system can provide the same or better information more cheaply or conveniently the system in use or in vague is not cost effective.
Through information may be in a particular set of forms, yet it requires quick processing for immediate/ quick use.
The management information system for irrigation system provides information on the past, present and near future on relevant events, inside and out side the organizations.
The scope of a formal Information System in an organization is limited by the data that can be obtained, the cost of obtaining, processing, and storing the data, the cost of retrieval and distribution, the value of the information to the user; and the capability of humans to accept and act on the information.
The scope of present study is to identify all relevant parameter for developing management Information System for an Irrigation Project. The scope includes all aspect/
Identification of Parameters for Developing Management Information System for an Irrigation Project
component of an irrigation system from head works up to end results in command area, including utilization of water up to the field.
This study on the identification of parameter for developing MIS is an attempt to compile all knowledge, which is scattered in literature, in an efficient, easy and simple manner and that could be of great help to the farmer irrigation manager in the management of irrigation Project, as well as is the farmer is also a Manager at the field. He is the actual user/waster of water, fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides and in secticides etc. He is also affected most by performance of irrigation system, water logging and salinity and fluctuating markets. |
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