In time of -commitment by World through International seminars and meetings on Irrigation and drainage about increasing the sustainable crop production @ 3% to 4% per annum and 80% of increased crop output during coming 30 years as stated by FAO.1994) has to be generated by irrigated agriculture system is one of the certainly a subject of great importance. The call for performance evaluation stated with irrigation system which are more visible in public eye are in more needs of improvement.
Performance evaluation is a methodology for investing on the basis of a few indicators. to which degree of operational irrigation systems achieve the. goals for which they were designed. As such performance evaluation is expected to contribute the improved performance of irrigation system and ultimately agriculture sector.
it is aimed to evaluate the.. performance of Ban Ganga Irrigation System, Kapilvastu, Nepal. The whole works executed In an Irrigation project has achieved its goal for what it was designed is essential to evaluate and to predict the discrepancies .so that for achievement of goal the system can be rectified as well as renovated,,Therefore performance evaluation of an Irrigation system is of great importance.
Ban Ganga Irrigation System is a surface Irrigation scheme located in Kapilvastu district of Nepal that provides irrigation facilities to 6200 ha land of the district.
The concerned area has a sub- tropical monsoon climate with a warm wet season from mid June to September.. The average annual rainfall in the area is about 1700 mm of which 85% in wet season.
The'system consists of a head works (weir type), a feeder canal, a reservoir of capacity 628 ha-m, main canal of length 20.5 km, distributaries and field channels. The main crops grown in area are paddy, wheat, pulses, oilseeds etc.
Therefore the scope of study is to evaluate the performance of the scheme and hence find out the remedial solutions for receiving the ultimate goal