Quite often it becomes necessary to conduct computer-based hydraulic model study, especially for safe design of Hydraulic Structures against streambed variations. Several reputed international expert agencies such as Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), USA and Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI), Denmark have developed versatile simulation models for reproduction of flow behavior of sediment laden-water on digital computers. This latest development of computer based simulation study of alluvial water courses has facilitated the engineering fraternity to conduct prompt hydraulic model testing to ascertain the safety of the structure against abrupt streambed variations. However, there is a need to investigate the response of simulation models from the standpoint of streambed variation under steady and transient conditions.
In this background, it is envisaged to undertake in this dissertation a study on three widely-used simulation models of international standing with regard to assessment of streambed variation. Further it is proposed that the phenomenon of streambed variation will be investigated for near-field and far-field concepts with the help of simulation models. The phenomenon of near-field streambed variation will be investigated on the model by considering for the general scour as well as local scour with hypothetical structure in position. The results of the proposed study will be useful for selection of simulation model for particular physical situation.