dc.description.abstract |
During last few decades, scientific and engineering community has acquired
extensive experience in developing and using soft computing techniques. Artificial neural
networks (ANNs) and fuzzy logic based systems have emerged as potential soft
computing techniques. In hydrological literature, a number of studies based on ANN have
been reported. However, use of fuzzy logic is a relatively new area of research in the field
of hydrology and water resources. In areas like stage-discharge relationship, stagedischarge-
sediment relationship, rainfall-runoff modeling and hydrological forecasting
etc., the fuzzy logic approach remains almost unattempted. Therefore, the present study
has been undertaken to explore the potential of fuzzy logic based approaches in these
areas and compare their performance with artificial neural network models. The
objectives of the present study can be summarized as follows:
i. To develop ANN, fiizzy rule-based and regression models for stage-discharge
relationships, andcompare their performance in modeling hysteresis,
ii. To develop and test ANN, fuzzy rule-based and regression models for deriving
stage-discharge-sediment relationships, and compare their performance for
estimation of river sediment load,
iii. To investigate potential of ANN and fuzzy rule-based approaches for modeling
rainfall-runoff relationships using different model structures and compare their
performance with linear transfer function based models.
iv. To develop fuzzy rule-based models for flood forecasting in order to provide
accurate enough forecasts for very short lead periods and compare their
performance with ANN models.
River discharge is one of the most important inputs in various hydrological
models and it is very important to estimate the discharge in a river reliably. Traditionally,
hydrologists use regression equation based rating curves for flow estimates. However,
this approach fails to model the non-linearity in the relationship and particularly in the
cases where hysteresis is present in the data. Focusing on the ANN and fuzzy rule based
models, different stage-discharge relationships were developed and compared using data
of Jamtara, Manot, Mandla, Satarana and Hirday Nagar gauging stations lying in
Narmada basin. Suitability of fuzzy modelling for substantially less data was also
verified. Furthermore, hypothetical data for loop rating curve were used to explore
hysteresis modelling capabilities of the models. The results show that the fuzzy modeling
approach is superior than the conventional and artificial neural network (ANN) based
approaches. Comparison of the models on hypothetical data set also reveals that the fuzzy
logic based approach models the hysteresis effect (loop rating curve) more accurately
than the ANN approach. In order to estimate bias of the fuzzy, ANN and curve fitting
models for different output ranges the testing data sets of all the gauging sites were scaled
so as to lie in the range of zero to ,one and than poled together. The average
underestimation and overestimation errors were computed and plotted for different
discharge ranges. The results indicates that fuzzy models provide a very accurate
estimation in all ranges of river discharges in the study area.
Many practical problems in water resources require knowledge of the sediment
load carried by the rivers or the load the rivers can carry without danger of aggragadation
or degradation. Hence, the measurement of sediments being transported by a river is of
vital interest for planning and designing of various water resources projects. The
conventional methods available for sediment load estimation are largely empirical, with
sediment rating curves being the most widely used. The rating relationships based on
regression technique are generally not adequate in view of the inherent complexity of the
problem. ANN and fuzzy logic algorithm were developed using available data of two
gauging sites in the Narmada basin in India. The results suggests that the fuzzy model is
able to capture the inherent nonlinearity in the river gauge, discharge and sediment
relationship better than the ANN and conventional regression method, and is able to
estimate sediment concentration in the rivers more accurately. A comparative analysis of
predictive ability of these models in different ranges of flow indicates that the fuzzy
modeling approach is slightly better than the ANN. The models were also compared to
each other in estimation of total sediment load since it is important in water resources
management. It was found that the curve fitting approach poorly estimates the total
sediment load. While, the fuzzy logic model estimates were considerably better than the
ANN model. Comparison of results showed that the fuzzy rule based model could be
successfully applied for sediment concentration prediction as it significantly improves the
magnitude of prediction accuracy.
More applications and research is needed to support the utility ofANN and fuzzy
logic technique in the area of rainfall-runoff modelling and to help in establishing their
full practical use in dealing the real world problems. Therefore, in this study ANN, fuzzy
rule based and linear transfer function models were constructed for estimating catchment
discharge by developing rainfall-runoff models for Manot sub-basin of Narmada River
system. Different model structures were constructed by considering eleven combinations
of input data vectors under four different categories: (i) only rainfall as input, (ii) rainfall
and antecedent moisture content as input, (iii) rainfall and runoff as input, and (iv)
rainfall, runoff and antecedent moisture content as input. The performance of the models
were examined using the model performances indices such as: root mean square error, the
correlation coefficient, model efficiency and volumetric error. The results indicate that
the fuzzy logic based approach is capable of modelling the rainfall-runoff process more
accurately in comparison to ANN and linear transfer function based modeling
Another fundamental aspect of many hydrological studies is the problem of
forecasting the flow of a river in a given point of its course. Therefore, real time flood
forecasting models were developed using ANN and fuzzy logic methods. Finally, to
improve the real time forecasting of floods, a modified Takagi Sugeno fuzzy inference
system termed as threshold subtractive clustering based Takagi Sugeno (TSC-T-S) fiizzy
inference system has been introduced using the concept of rare and frequent hydrological
situations. The proposed fuzzy inference systems provide an option of analyzing and
computing cluster centers and membership functions for two different hydrological
situations generally encountered in real time flood forecasting. Accurate forecasting of
floods at shorter lead periods is a very important task for flood management in Narmada
basin, Central India. The methodology has been tested on hypothetical data set and than
applied for flood forecasting using the hourly rainfall and river flow data of upper
Narmada basin upto Mandla gauging site. The available rainfall-runoff data has been
classified in frequent and rare events and suitable TSC-T-S fuzzy model structures were
suggested for better forecasting of river flows. The performance of the model during
calibration and validation was evaluated by model performance indices such as root mean
square error, NS model efficiency and coefficient of correlation. A new performance
index termed as peak percent threshold statistics was proposed to evaluate the
performance of flood forecasting model. The developed model was tested for different
lead periods using hourly rainfall and discharge data. Further, the proposed fuzzy model
results were compared with artificial neural network (ANN) and subtractive clustering
based T-S fuzzy model (SC-T-S fuzzy model). It was concluded from the study that the
proposed TSC-T-S fuzzy model provide reasonably accurate forecast with sufficient leadtime.
The results presented in this thesis are highly promising and suggest that fuzzy
modeling is a more versatile and improved alternative to ANN approach. Furthermore,
fuzzy logic algorithm has the ability to describe the knowledge in a descriptive human
like manner in the form of simple rules using linguistic variables. The ANN and fuzzy
logic methodology presented in this thesis can provide a promising solution to various
hydrological modeling and forecasting problems. However, the analysis of the results
reported in this work leave sufficient scope and opens new dimensions for further
investigations, which couldnot be taken up owing to time constraint.
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