There are substantial seepage losses in unlined irrigation canal systems, specially in alluvial soils. These losses differ from system to system and also varies in various net-work of a system, on an average nearly 2/3`d water is lost in the system in conveyance, distribution among users and in field application to crops and only 1/3rd remains to be used by the crops.
It has also been observed on field research and measurements that maximum losses normally take place in distribution of water to farmers, on distribution channels, water courses and field channels. Out of these losses the substantial proportion can be saved by suitable lining.
Few distribution channels systems were lined in 1980s as pilot projects in the command of upper Ganga canal (U. P). Some studies on their performance have also been done.
This study would include the critical review of the earlier studies and also actual field measurement of losses, on one or two representative minors so that effectiveness of the lining could be correctly assessed...