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Groundwater has been found very simple and more dependable source of water and so has been used since very long for the irrigation purpose. Quick yielding benefit and low investment cost (in comparison to surface) are major concern of Deep tube well (DTW) irrigation system. The project area, Bhairhava Lumbini Groundwater Project (BLGWP) is found to occupy an excellent alluvial aquifer of numerous layers. Some of its area lies in artesian belt. The water is drawn from the deep strata generally from 120 m to 200 m with the help of electric driven pumps. Each irrigation unit is independent. The project is implemented in three different stages. The stage I of the project is now complete with open channel with almost brick lined section, where as stage II and stage III comprises project with underground UPVC (Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride pipe) distribution system. The major lessons learned from stage I and II are desired to be included during stage III. The present study provides the information of stage III of the project. The farmer participation has covered the full 0 and M cost as well as certain share of capital cost, there by reducing the burden on HMGN's (His Majesty's Government, Nepal) budget. The average expenditure of operation and maintenance cost, is different for different operating hours. The total irrigated area of all three stages is about 20,200 ha from 169 individual irrigation systems. The stage III alone comprises of four different non-continuous parts covering an area of about 9200 ha,with total of 78
no. of Deep tube wells. The different objectives achieved under stage III of the project are construction of Deep tube well, pump• installation, sub-station and power line construction, Construction of UPVC buried pipe distribution system, construction of sub-centers as well as construction of gravel road in the project area.... |
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