Water is a part of environmental system and the preservation of quality of environment and ecological balance is a prime consideration in planning, implementation and operation of water projects of irrigated area. The adverse impact of the overuse of the ground water on the environment are required to be minimised.
Water contamination (pollution) is defined as the change in the physio-chemical and microbiological characteristic. In ground water pollution, the pollutant normally has to migrate through the unsaturated zone before reaching the saturated medium, where it moves along the hydraulic gradient getting merged with ground water by diffusion and convection. Sources of pollution can be classified as:
(i) Natural
(ii) Man-made
The major natural sources of pollution are :-
- Salt introduced from contact of the surface water with various rock and soil
minerals, erosion, vegetation in various stages of biodegradation and dissolved gasses nature to the atmosphere.
- Volcanic activities which pollute ground water....