Rice (Oriza sativa L.) is one of the most important cereals both for human and animal consumption. Rice is grown in climates ranging from temperate to tropics. Rice seedlings from the nursery bed can be transplanted to the field when the mean daily temperature is about 13 to 15°C. Weather variables affect the crop growth differently in different phenophases during its growth cycle.
Field experiment during the kharif season of 2001 conducted with cv IR 64 was laid out in split plot design with Three Irrigation (I1, I2, I3) and Two Nitrogen (N1, N2) treatments at the Demonstration Farm of WRDTC, IIT, Roorkee. Lysimeteric experiment with these treatments was also conducted. The main objectives of the study was to generate base data for using in DSSAT Rice CERES model and use it for prediction of yield, nitrogen uptake and nitrogen leach under different agrotechnical conditions....