Sediment transported by natural streamflow contributes one of the major problem in the design of Irrigation work and Hydroelectric schemes. The ingress of sediment to channel that carried sediment by water can reduce conveyance capacity
and damage turbines. A number of Hydraulic machines installed on Jaldhaka Hydel Project have suffered serious damage. The turbine blade at a head 155 m in stage I and stage II operating at head 64.5 m were worn out after due to presence of sediment particle in water, whereas the existing of desilting tank is insufficient to extract sediment carried by water.
In many cases a cheaper method of sediment control is the Vortex Settling
Basin, which function by extracting the sediment flow in a water conductor with generation of secondary flow in the basin to extract coarse and finer particle on the water. Sediment excluding devices can be constructed at a diversion but they tend to be expensive and only exclude the sediment being transported near the riverbed. Large concentration of suspended sediment can be transported in the upper layer of a river.
The present dissertation deals with case study of design of vortex settling basin along with sediment transport o uniform and non uniform material. The other controlling measure of vortex tube sediment extractor also have been analyzed as a comparative study. For the above purpose a number of literature have been reviewed. The stepwise procedure for design of above measures have been evolved along with concept of sediment transport....