Beauty, utility and technical support are the three fundamental parts which
when combined cohesively create meaningful architecture. The approach and
appreciation towards beauty or aesthetics in part depended upon the ways
various civilizations looked at the universe and created their respective worldview.
From their understanding of the universe, creation of the world-view and
with the available technology, they formulated laws of beauty, quantified them in
terms of numerical proportioning systems and through geometrical figures and
impregnated them with meaning. Knowledge of geometry and other mathematics
was used not only to give form to an enclosure or for the practical purpose of
laying out on site with ease and accuracy but represent the intellectual
development of a civilization. Every civilization has determined certain fixed
geometrical systems devised over passage of time for its use represent its
holistic development and impart identity to it which separates it from the rest of
the world. However, despite varied socio-cultural and physical conditions, there is
a marked underlying similarity found in the geometrical systems being used in
architecture in all the civilizations.
Geometry was thus recognized as a powerful organizational tool to fulfill
the intangible and tangible aspects of architecture in all the civilizations. It
provided a logical and rational approach towards the making of a building
imparting in it the specific qualities necessary to the creation.
The ancient mathematical systems of order in architecture which
dominated up to renaissance were questioned by Mannerists and Baroque
architects. The concept of universe underwent drastic change and was revealed
by science as completely abstract and mathematical, devoid of any harmonic
relationship to the world of senses. The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
experienced a general shift from static to dynamic concepts; from the limited to
the infinite continuous space. The abandonment of rules of proportion coincided
to some extent and even preceded the development of new cosmology.
Michelangelo asserted that all arithmetic and rules of proportion are useless
without the observing eye. The Baroque architects and Neo-classicists relied
heavily on the eye of the perceiver as the only basis of proportion. Beauty
believed to lie strongly in the eye of beholder. Architectural proportions were
regarded as the creations of the human mind and not the quality of the thing in
In the nineteenth century, many researchers, through their research and
analysis on the creations of nature, attempted to re-establish the supremacy of
the proportions used earlier by holding them responsible for the cause of beauty.
The major proponents of twentieth century modernism continued this trend by
extending their contribution through research and application of these
geometrical systems in their buildings thereby reaffirming the traditional role of
geometry as an organizational tool in architecture.
This research analyzes these geometrical systems, their application in buildings
selected from diverse time-periods in history and from varied cultures, and
attempts at establishing the relevance of geometry in contemporary scenario
providing a strong scientific base for the application of these systems in
It began with detailed literature survey analyzing the evolution,
significance and application of geometry in architecture through different ages till
twentieth century. From the analysis of history different types of geometrical
systems namely mathematical proportions, golden proportions, geometrical
proportions, regulating lines, module-based proportions, and preferred
dimensions were found to be incorporated in buildings. These systems have
been described in detail elaborating their specific properties which made them so
relevant in architecture.
Significance of geometry as an organizational tool in architecture has
been discussed by describing its relationship with various elements like symbolic
and visual references, form, space, circulation, articulation, and structure which
cohesively contribute in the making of architecture. This information formed the
basis over which model was developed for each of the geometrical systems for
appraisal of existing buildings or programming of proposed ones.
Buildings from diverse time periods and from wide range of geographical
locations, in which these geometrical systems were found to be employed, have
been documented and analyzed in order to come out with underlying significant
parameters for each of the systems culminating in the formation of model. Nearly
half of the buildings belong to twentieth century in order to analyze the
application of geometry in recent past and its relevance in contemporary times.
The model has been applied on few buildings to determine its best suitability.
Major findings have been elaborated in the form of conclusions
determining the relevance of geometry in terms of its importance in imparting
order in architecture, its relation with creativity in generating valuable novelty, its
role in defining architecture as an independent organism etc. followed by the
conclusions based on statistical results.