Earthmoving operations are a major part of most of the Water Resources Development projects and have long been the subject of investigations into the proper selection and estimating their output prior to actually commencing site work. Proper earthmoving equipment selection, their optimum size and number is a major factor when trying to satisfy a projects' budget and schedule requirements. In all cases, the objective is to maximize the production, minimize the cost or to maximize the profits. This necessitates a broad knowledge of many subjects.
In general, excavating and hauling equipments viz. Dozers, Scrapers, Shovels, Loaders, Haulers are chosen for earthmoving operations and for each type of equipment selected, there are unique qualities that must be considered.
The selection of excavating and haulage equipments is a complex decision problem, which requires the identification of variables involved, their inter-relationship, and the method required to solve the problem. Literature review indicates that operational research optimization techniques currently in use display limitations. These techniques lack flexibility and often are invalidated by their inability to cope with a large number of variables, constraints and uncertainty, which are a natural part of the process of excavation and haulage. Simulation models can also be used as a non-deterministic method of calculating earthmoving productivity. But, such models may be difficult to use in practice because successful simulations depend on various factors such as accuracy of the input data, knowledge required to simulate, time requirements etc.....