Earthquake is a natural phenomenon; its fury is unparalleled in its destructiveness. It leaves
behind ruined settlements, causes destruction of the built environment and creates several
human problems. Earthquake disasters in majority of cases are due to procreated vulnerability
from human action. Earthquake by itself does not kill anybody; it is the manmade structures,
which kill men. India is one of the most susceptible countries to damaging earthquakes.
Five earthquakes occurred in the semi-urban areas of India in the recent past viz. Uttarkashi
earthquake of 1991, Latur earthquake of 1993, Jabalpur earthquake of 1997, Chamoli
earthquake of 1999 and Bhuj earthquake of 2001. Damage scenario in these events has been
more less similar, where disaster was caused largely by due to ignorance of the local
inhabitants about the behavior (response) and poor strength of their buildings to resist the
imposed seismic loads. Most of such construction fails to maintain their integrity on exposureto
an earthquake at the affected site. Earthquake is a natural hazard but repeatedly every disaster
confirms that people have yet to learn to live with earthquakes in India.
This dissertation endeavours to develop a system for the creation of an earthquake resistant
living environment for the earthquake prone areas of India.Various seismological parameters,
theories; concepts have been studied from architectural point of view to form the technological
background for the formation of this dissertation.
Building code in India has been drafted recognizing the need for detailed analysis as far as
structural design of abuilding is concerned. However the performance of abuilding on
exposure to earthquake cannot be judged fully by studying just this as an individual unit. There
are anumber of factors, which are invariably associated with its likely performance in an
earthquake. Besides structural detailing the architectural configuration and how and where it is
stitched in acity's fabric, its maintenance and use patterns, also affect its response in the event
of an earthquake to aconsiderable extent.
Alarge proportion of population in India is illiterate and building stock is of non-engineered type.
In such circumstances codal provisions are not generally referred by masses. Measures
suggested in guidelines formulated by IAEE committee are certainly useful to agood extent.
However, in this context some more details are needed with respect to building technology and
architectural configuration, aimed to impart required structural strength with almost no extra
cost or negligible increase in cost. This thesis takes alook at seismic codes of India as well as
ofthe other countries worldwide.
In atypical Indian city there are anumber of architectural elements, which are repeatedly used
by people and have proved disastrous in past earthquakes. Such architectural, urban design
elements if identified, may either be avoided while designing abuilding /area or appropriately
detailed out to impart adequate resistance or resilience to withstand an earthquake. This calls
for an in-depth study of earthquake damages to the architectural building systems in India in
past earthquakes with reference to architectural development and the knowledge should be
disseminated to the intended users.
After every devastating earthquake poor detailing of non-structural, architectural elements,
inadequate juxtaposition of built masses, is pointed out after damage investigations in avery
superficial manner. Identification of vulnerable architectural features with respect to their
configuration and constructional detailing of Indian building systems has not been done so far.
This dissertation investigates earthquake damages through extensive surveys of earthquakeaffected
areas just after the occurrence of the events and literature browsing. It goes to analyze
the behavior and performance of architectural building systems during an earthquake to
formulate the base for the identification of parameters for optimization of architectural builtforms
and building technology in the earthquake prone areas of India.
Anumber of earthquake damage studies undertaken worldwide have been looked in. It is found
that most of the vulnerability functions and damage matrices developed are not suitable in
Indian context, where a large proportion of population is living in vulnerable and unsafe
buildings from earthquake point of view. This dissertation conceptualizes amodel for the
assessment of likely performance Indian building stock on exposure to an earthquake,
considering the various dimensions of living and seismic environment.
The synthesis of environmental assessment comprised two basic tasks. First the determination
of building parameters which have major influence on vulnerability and second to quantify their
influence. Based on analytical survey done by the author of earthquake-affected areas of Latur
and Jabalpur a set of indices has been established. The selected indicators have been
highlighted and their validity has been examined.
Structural strength of building system, fenestration characteristics, soil foundation details,
building material used in construction and building configuration are identified as the primary
indices, which largely affect the extent of damage. Some secondary parameters which affect
the performance of abuilding system on exposure to an earthquake and refer to the presence /
absence of architectural decorative elements are identified as Correction factors in architectural
development. The model for the assessment of likely performance of living environment (RAC)
has been developed in this dissertation considering the characteristics of both the living as well
as seismic environment. The grading with reference to the vulnerability of the area in question
will act as aguideline to suggest optimum measures for its restructuring. The model developed
in this investigation is based on damage data obtained from surveys and damage reports of
past earthquakes in India and is supposed to provide a more realistic picture of seismic
vulnerability of Indian building stock. The use of RAC has been demonstrated in the case of
Jabalpur, India.
In India alarge proportion of existing building stock is in an advanced state of decay and the
newly built stock suffers from inadequate construction and design standards. Although 23% of
the workers are employed in the construction industry only a small proportion of these are
trained to use modern techniques of construction. This has resulted in highly vulnerable building
stock as was evidenced in the recent earthquakes of Uttarkashi, Latur, Jabalpur, Chamoli and
Creation of living environment is aprocess of giving physical form to human's socio-economic
needs and aspirations. Living environment at different places have always been created,
modified and used by the users in a different manner and are therefore very different in
character. Optimization is directly related to human activity in any field and has developed into
a multi-disciplinary branch of science. The optimal design of builtforms targets to developing
economical and reliable structures and systems for different environmental conditions and
technological constraints. Considering the importance of not only physical factors related to
architectural development but also the socio-economic and cultural dimensions this dissertation
conceptualizes optimization parameters. It endeavour to suggest solutions for optimal design of
building systems with reference to their configuration, fenestration design, interior layouts,
constructional details, useoflocally available materials, and technology.
The inventory based on behavioral analysis of architectural building systems can provide a
base for the choice of optimum material, and technique with optimum level of earthquake
resistance considering the seismicity of the area in question. Theoretical and analytical
contributions of this thesis are presented in addition to the suggestions for desirable further