In the recent days, the increased emphasis is being given on
the harnessing of the renewable/non-conventional sources of the
energy due to the tremendous increase in the fuel cost and the
depletion of the fossil fuel ...
The economic progress of any country is reflected as an increase in its energy
consumption within the population. Conversely, if economic progress is desired, then an
increase in the per capita energy consumption is an ...
power systems are large complex systems and widely
geographically. It operates under much stressed conditions, closer to operating limits, owing
to increased demands. The changes in power systems ...
In view of the intermittent nature of solar energy, it is necessary to provide a
storage system with solar collectors to store energy and to meet the demand in the
absence of solar radiation. Packed bed is generally ...
This World is facing the challenge of Energy crisis. At present, the
conventional energy sources are estimated to be a very small fraction of the
total inexhaustible renewable energy sources available all over the ...
In recent years, owing to the increased emphasis on renewable energy sources,
development of suitable isolated power generators driven by energy sources such as wind,
small hydro, biogas, etc. has assumed a great ...
In view of the world's depleting fossil fuel reserves, which provide the
major source of energy, the development of non-conventional renewable energy
sources has received an impetus. Solar energy is most important ...
Energy is one ofthe most important inputs in the process ofdevelopment for a
nation. With the growth ofindustrialization, there is increase in the demand ofenergy
for trade and commerce on the one hand and demand of ...
Ever-increasing gap between demand and supply of energy, growing concerns
about the environmental degradation associated with the use of fossil fuels and
spiraling cost of energy have forced the scientific community to ...
Energy is a critical factor in developing countries for economic growth as well
as for social development and human welfare. Hydropower is a renewable source of
energy, which is economical, non-polluting and environmentally ...
Electricity is the vital engine for growth, development and prosperity for the country. The per capita consumption of electricity is the symbol of status of living hood. In developing country like India where about 70% of ...
The rapid evolution of Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) during the last two decades resulted in the installation of many renewable energy power systems all over the world such as small hydro, wind, solar, biomass based etc. ...
The utilization of renewable energy resources for the electricity supply in
decentralized mode has received considerable attention in recent years due to adverse
environmental impacts and high fuel cost associated with ...
In the Himalayan region main and suitable source of energy is hydro power potential of the resion . Many hydro plants have been in operation over last 50 years utilizing the hydro potential for electricity generation. Rain ...
Modeling and simulation of small hydro power (SHP) plants helps in studying the dynamic response of the hydraulic systems, governor and electrical systems associated with the plant. It also helps in studying the stability ...
Since the time electricity generation from water has started, plant operators and supervisors have been involved in operation, controlling, monitoring and data acquisition tasks manually. Later, relay logic control systems ...
Energy is the basic requirement for economic development. Every sector of a country's economy needs input of energy. As the nonrenewable fossil energy sources continues to deplete and realizing the summits -held at . Brazil ...
Hydro turbine in a hydro power plant is one of the most important component. In case hydro turbine is not functioning properly or is out of order for maintenance or otherwise, plant suffers a huge loss of power generation ...
Karanja (Pongamia pinnata) oil, a non-edible high viscosity (27.84 cSt at 40°C) straight vegetable oil, is blended with conventional diesel in various proportions to evaluate the performance and emission characteristics ...
Hussainsagar lake, constructed in the year 1562 and situated between twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad of Andhra Pradesh in India, is an engineering marvel and a symbol of traditional wisdom of water conservation ...