The most exhilarating urban experience is to take a walk along the city's great
boulevards and majestic streets which have ample accommodation for the
pedestrian or through the narrow and winding pathways of the ancient towns
which are steeped in history. Regent street in London, Princess street in
Edinburgh, Boulevard St. Michael in Paris, Via Condotti in Rome are all places
where the best to offer is displayed and large sidewalks are provided for the
pedestrian. Often cars have been eliminated altogether, but at least the
pedestrian is accorded generous protected space. The other is the equally
fascinating experiencing of walking through the narrow and winding pathways
of the ancient cities, which are steeped in history. Oxford and York in England
and Venice in Italy are examples of this most enjoyable urban experience.
Therefore, appropriate facilities for the pedestrian to walk, together with the
other associated needs such as trees, kiosks, benches, toilets, drinking water,
cafes are the essential character of the urban necessity for a collective public
life. Indian cities do not provide appropriate accommodation for the pedestrian
and this may stem from a general lack of concern for the welfare of the
collective individual. While many cities have lavish commercial developments,
the benefits these provide end at their property line. What extends beyond that
is a squalid realm of the street or rather the road, where animals and humans
alike spread filth, creating an environment whose standards of sanitation have
not been seen in the West since the middle ages.
In India, there are a large number of historical towns with pedestrian networks,
but these networks were subsequently put to vehicular traffic. Further,
excepting in one or two cases, the new towns of India built in the 1940 \ 50s
were not provided with any significant grade separated pedestrian network.
Besides the value of a good urban experience, there are several other reasons
for which this country should take up pedestrianisation in its urban settlements.
Primarily, India has a very large population and this will continue to grow till the
middle of the 21st century. This very large segment of the Indian population has
been totally neglected by the physical planners and administrators of this
country. Therefore, all our cities and towns lack even a semblance of
pedestrian facilities for the general walking public.
Secondly, the country is also economically in a developing condition and hence
cannot provide personal or collective motorised transport to most of its citizens,
even by the next century. India would save immensely by providing pedestrian
networks in its human settlements. It would reduce the dependence on
motorised public and private transport and thereby help the country to save
expensive fossil fuel. These factors can be considered as the two most
important factors that justify the introduction of pedestrian networks into our
towns. -
Besides the above two very important factors, if proper grade separated
pedestrian facility is provided in the towns and villages, the rate of road
accidents would be reduced and would consequently save on providing
emergency health services, it would also relieve the people from the socio -
psychological trauma associated with such accidents. Pedestrianisation would
improve the health of the general population through exercise and by way of a
pollution free environment and the benefits of having a healthy population
would accrue to nation. Pedestrianisation will be an appropriate and convenient
mode of movement in view of the generally salubrious climate of the Indian
Finally, pedestrianisation is "sustainable" and "environment friendly" and
therefore it is necessary to investigate and find out how pedestrian networks
could be integrated into the fabric of Indian cities and towns.
The global thinking today is to look forward to economic development based on
ecological principle like environmental harmony, economic efficiency and
resource conservation.
An important issue in this context is the sustainable development of the
transport and communication system since this is the key to the movement of
goods, people's information and ideas.
Priorities should be given to reduce unnecessary travel, developing policies
that emphasise on mobility attentive other than the automobile.
The aim of this research is to evolve a methodology for pedestrian planning in
the various land uses in the Indian cities and suggest its upward integration
into the overall traffic network of the city. The study provides guideline to
architects, planners and administrators, and solved cases as a support system
for taking policy and design decisions.
The research was started by carrying out a detailed literature survey followed
by interviews with people in the field. Open questionnaires were also sent out
to specialists in the area of planning. This provided an outline for the type and
direction of research to be taken up. It also helped to establish the current
desires and aspirations of the world population and the Indian people.
Efforts were made to find out if pedestrianisation would be particularly useful to
the Indian people considering their social and economic conditions.
The historical development of pedestrianisation in the world and in the Indian
sub-continent including the development in contemporary history of India has
been documented so that the accrued knowledge from history can be used for
pedestrian planning.
A theoretical base has been developed for pedestrian planning. This functions
as a depository of knowledge on the pedestrian himself and the physical
planning aspects of pedestrianisation.
A working theory has been developed to establish models for rationalisation
between the pedestrian movement and the movement of vehicular traffic; this
helps to upwardly integrate the pedestrian system with the overall transport
network of the city and subsequently to the transport system of the region. The
other model developed looks into appraisal, programming and design
recommendations for the pedestrian spaces in cities and towns.
The country cannot be considered for a uniform pedestrian policy because it
has different geophysical, climatic and cultural compositions, the factors which
affect pedestrian planning in a major way. Therefore the country has been
divided into different "National Pedestrian Zones" in the same way in which the
seismic and cyclone zone have been formed for the country.
Certain criteria have been developed for the selection of the case studies to be
taken up at the city level and for the areas within these cities. The two cities
taken up as case studies are Patna and Lucknow. Areas within these cities
have been evaluated in regard to their performance. From these studies, a list
of potentials and constraints have been drawn up which help to finalise a
strategy for pedestrian planning.
Integrative analysis is done with the pedestrian information from the information
base titled as "Theoretical Back-up" and the "Indian Orientation" obtained from
various sources but particularly from the case studies.
Important findings along with the recommendations are then placed for the use
of all who are keen to use the research for making pedestrian plans in their
respective towns and cities. Lastly, the recommendations made are applied on
the town of Roorkee as a "test application". The model developed for overall
integration of transport networks with the pedestrian network is utilised here to
exemplify the procedure.
The investigation reveals that pedestrian is the most appropriate mode of
movement in the Indian cities of the future. This is because they are basically
environment friendly and sustainable. The motorised and other rapid transport
modes must provide upward accessibility and integration of the pedestrian
areas since cities have grown beyond the size of pedestrian accessibility alone.