Sustainable Development, which has been accepted as an all important
concept in recent years, is likely to remain just that, without a strong ethical base to
support it and a suitable technology to operationalise it. The operationalisation of
this concept is of paramount importance at the global as well as the local levels
This thesis endeavours to operationalise the concept of sustainable
development at the regional / district level by developing a computer (spread-sheet
and GIS) based visual-interactive-predictive-corrective Decision Support System
which will be user-friendly and easy to understand at the grass-roots levels. It goes
on to demonstrate the use of this DSS in the case of the Southern Maharashtra
Region which presents a collage of diverse socio-economic and physio-climatic
conditions and is currently at crucial cross-roads of developmental options.
It takes a look at the requirement of an ethical framework of "Trusteeship"
(care, respect and responsibility) towards the environment and goes on to illustrate
the concept of sustainable development at the regional level as an ecodevelopmental
issue. The history of eco-developmental thought is traced up to its
present ubiquitous status. The definition of a holistic human development paradigm
and the need for public awareness and participation in order to achieve it is
emphasised. The role required to be played by the government to improve the
quality of life through assessment of the demand for and the provision of both,
positive and negative public goods, in order to facilitate the attainment of this holistic
development paradigm is spelt out. The technological base required for playing this
role effectively is outlined.
The theories, concepts and techniques which form the substantive background
for the postulations and the development of this thesis, along with the technological
basis for its operationalisation are spelt out. The theories of Regional Concept,
Place - Work - Folk, Ecology and Ekistics, Corporate Management and Decision-
Making, Central versus Participatory regional Planning are enunciated in brief. The
present status of regional planning in India is mentioned. The changing role of the
district administration in information collection, storage, management and
dissemination along with the enabling technology for Sustainable Regional
Development (SRD) in the form of a country-wide computer-communication and
Geographical Information System network is emphasised.
The various dimensions of man - environment interactions and the conceivable
approaches to the study of these have been looked at. The concept of sustainability
and the limits of this concept have been examined. The constraints on development
and their inherent flexibility which necessitate an anticipatory-adaptive approach in
order to conform to the path of sustainable development are studied. The deductiveinductive
approach adopted in this study has been out-lined. Aconceptual model of
Sustainable Regional Development (SRD) has been postulated and its subsystems
defined along with their respective elements. The qualities required In these
elements or indicators of sustainable development are specified and the selected
indicators highlighted. The theoretical and statistical validity of the selected
indicators has been established. The possible frameworks for development and
organisation of sustainable development indicators have been examined, finally
settling for the combination type of framework for this study.
Asystems approach to Sustainable Regional Development (SRD) is adopted
by envisaging it as a holistic concept requiring a Pareto-optimal balance to be
maintained over time and space between four components of liveability (COL)s
namely - social well-being, economic vitality, infrastructure availability and
environmental quality.
A set of ten indicators has been selected under each COL. These indicators
have been classified as positive or negative depending upon whether they
contribute to or detract from the path of sustainable development. The directionality
of these indicators of sustainable development has been decided by conducting a
experts opinion poll. Use has been made of Multi-Variate Analysis Theory for
converting these indicators Into Sustainable Development Indices (SDI)s through a
standardisation technique. The four Components of Liveability (COL)s have been
obtained by a weighted summation of these ten Sustainable Development Indices
(SDI)s each through Multi-Attribute Utility Technique. An overall sustainable
development function, Composite Aggregated Development Index of Sustainability
(CADIS) is worked out by aggregating the four COLs in a similar fashion. These
have been used in a spatio-temporal analysis with the help of the Decision Support
System developed by this research.
A computer based visual-interactive-predictive-corrective Decision Support
System (DSS) for operationalising the concept of SRD has been developed. This
utilises the dynamic data to data and data to graphic interlinkage and visualisation
capabilities provided by a windows based spreadsheet and geographical
information system (GIS) softwares. It can be used effectively by the decision
makers at the grass-roots level for planning, monitoring and enlightened decision
making so as to maintain the region / district on the path of sustainable
development. This DSS is visual-interactive-predictive-corrective in structure and
can be used gainfully to visualise the effects of tentative decisions a priori in data,
chart and graphic (map) forms. The seven cyclic stages of the DSS have been
The use of this DSS has been demonstrated in the case of the Southern
Maharashtra Region comprising of five districts. Data has been collected for all forty
indicators of sustainability for three time frames of 1971, '81, and '91. This has been
converted into SDIs, COLs and CDIs by MVA techniques and extrapolated to 2001
and 2011. The bar charts and trend-lines which are dynamically linked to the data
help in easy visualisation of the trends. The levels of and weightages attached to
each COL can be altered interactively by the decision makers. These would lead to
identification of Critical Success or failure Factors (CSF)s and the required
modifications if any in these through policy interventions. Scenario building allows
a priori visualisation of the financial, physical and temporal implications of these
decisions. A Geographical Information System (GIS) software has been used to
visualise the spatial implications of these decisions, thus giving a feed-back to
sectoral policy making.
The section on conclusions and recommendations outlines the theoretical and
experimental contributions of this thesis along with the efficacy and the limitations of
the DSS postulated. Finally suggestions for desirable further research directions
have been listed.