dc.description.abstract |
Tho onporimontol otudy roportod hoiro two boon doDinoi to dotino and ovoluoto tho wolo of lotoral con.• tinomont in tho boorina capacity of tho oubvado condor vortIool %omit,* Tho mothod of approach omployod conoioto In otiodylno tho influonco of lama confinotient on tho modulus of olastiotty, 73 of throo typo° of °olio widow condition° or modified Immo cOmpactios* Tho infOrmation io 01,10104 in tho ttonooa cothod of floaiblo pore-Joint dooian to dotormino tho offset of latosol oonfinonont on dooinn thichn00000 or flosiblo pout.
Undwoinod trioalal toot two boon u od to dotormino tho It of soil*. Suttoblo voluos of latora floW prossum oloulativo of Oho If:sterol otrosotto dovolopincy in ?told ore opplipd in tho trisaial (toll* Th000 voluoo of lotorol ptonsuusoo 'metro dotorminod by On onpotimontol procoduvo ouclootod in tho pr000nt study.
Maw= doolan motbod moftoo uoo of 20 poi lotoral proosovo in Ow trisaiol toot irrospootivo of coil typos Tho roouito of tho pr000nt study Indionto thot roollotin volno of lotorol pin:moor° to ha uood in triaalol toot vowlos *von' a rolotivoly wido room) dopondtoa on °oil typos, Consoopontly tho voluo of Z and tho vooultaut dooian thicft* n000 of povomont 6;0 conoidorobly offootoda
It hes beamsinterred ai s that the use► of 20 psi IaterW pressure is realistic only in case of soils having California Deering Ratio around 2 percent or Group lodes
round 700 other soils require lateral pressures varying directly as California Bearing Ratio and inversely as GoI, eased on these results a method of correcting the design thiokness obtained by the Kansas design method is developed,
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