Flood frequency analysis is one of the most active areas of hydrological
research. In the past, efforts have been mainly concentrated on the statistical
analysis of available flood data. Statistical flood frequency methods require long
term homogeneous series of flood characteristics such as peak discharge, volume,
duration etc. Collection of flood data for a long period is tedious and expensive.
Keeping this in view, attempts have been made in the past to develop physically
based flood frequency models. These models use readily available rainfall data and
catchment characteristics.
The physically based flood frequency models or derived flood frequency
distributions (DFFD) were first introduced by Eagleson (1972). The DFFD models
have three components viz. (i) stochastic rainfall model, (ii) infiltration model
and (iii) effective rainfall-runoff model. The stochastic rainfall model used by
most of the researchers assumes bivariate exponential distribution of rainfall
intensity and duration and these variables are considered to be independent of
each other. The 0-index, Philip's infiltration equation and SCS curve number
method have been tried as infiltration models. Kinematic wave (KW), geomorphologic
instantaneous unit hydrograph (GIUH) and geomorphoclimatic instantaneous unit
hydrograph (GcIUH) have been used as effective rainfall-runoff models.
The physically based flood frequency models provide a potentially
attractive and alternative solution to ungauged watersheds. The impact of
watershed changes on flood magnitudes and frequencies can be studied through DFFD
In the present study, existing DFFD models have been applied to five
watersheds of Sub zone - 3C (India) and their performance evaluated. New DFFD
models using bivariate exponential distribution for correlated and independent
rainfall intensity and duration have also been developed. The new DFFD models
developed in the study were also applied to three watersheds of U.S.A.
Detailed at site/regional and regional flood frequency analysis for Sub
zone - 3c has been carried out for comparing the performance of various DFFD
It has been found in the present study that the parameters of stochastic
rainfall model are most sensitive input to the DFFD models and therefore, should
be estimated carefully. Out of the three infiltration models used, the parameter
of SCS curve number model can be estimated quite easily with reasonable accuracy.
The DFFD models based on this infiltration model perform better than the other
models. GcIUH and KW theory based effective rainfall-runoff models perform equally
well in DFFD models.
The quantiles estimated by the DFFD models which consider rainfall
intensities to be independent of their durations are higher than the flood
quantiles estimated by the proposed model which accounts for the negative
correlation between these variables. DFFD models for positively correlated case
still need to be developed.
Physically based flood frequency models are relatively new in the field of
hydrology, and are under development stage. There is a need for application of
these models to more watersheds having long term reliable rainfall and runoff data
before recommending them for field use.