Performance of Irrigation Canal Operation is often evaluated in terms of ecpity,flexibility and usefulness to farmers. To meet these requirements it is essential to maintain discharge as well as depth at strategic points in the distribution network. Towards this end Automatic Regulation of Irrigation Canal is increasingly being consi-dered very useful. Nature, extent and logic of automation of irrigation canal depends on water distribution method, canal regulation technique and control equipment. Though Rotation method is appropriate for distribution system in general and below outlet in particular, principles of on-demand method can conceivably be incorportated in main canal operation. Computer controlled Real - Time Operation assumes importance in this context. Canal regulation tech-niques such as Upstream Control, Downstream Control, Combina-
tion control and Dynamic regulation have been widely discussed in literature. However, the discussion is in the context of irrigation in developed countries and is somewhat confusing and overlapping. An attempt is made here to critically
review these techniques, bring out their exact conceptual differences and study their practical applicability consider-ing the compulsions of Indian Irrigation. Control Equipment required for automation are also reviewed...