Waste disposal on land and application of fertilizers and
pesticides to crop lands has become a common practice universally. Water
infiltrating at the ground, dissolves such matter and carries it
downward through the unsaturated zone. Many types of waste material
(e.g., heavy metals, radioactive material) do not decompose easily. Such
pollutants travelling through the unsaturated zone join the water table
and may affect the water quality adversely. Further, fertilizers which
are not utilized by crops are transported below the root zone by
percolating water and pose a potential threat to the groundwater
quality. In a reverse situation, evapotranspiration may lead to an
accumulation of pollutants in the root zone. This may lead to a fall in
crop yield and deterioration of top soil conditions. To avoid such
problems and to design safe disposal systems, the time variant rate of
pollutant transfer to the water table as well as depth and time variant
concentrations need to be estimated.
In the present study an attempt has been made to develop a
numerical model for simulating one dimensional (vertical) solute
transport from ground to the water table. The mechanisms of solute
transport accounted for are convection, hydrodynamic dispersion, lateral
diffusion into/out of an immobile phase (in case of two phase solute
transport) and linear adsorption - desorption in either or both the
phases. The model is developed in the following four stages.
Stage I Single phase non-reactive solute transport.
Stage II Single phase reactive solute transport, accounting for
first order linear kinetic adsorption-desorption.
Stage III Two phase non-reactive solute transport.
Stage IV Two phase reactive solute transport accounting for
linear equilibrium adsorption-desorption.
The numerical methods employed for solving the solute
transport equations are the method of characteristics (MOC) and the
finite differences. The convective component is solved using MOC to
overcome the problem of numerical dispersion encountered in solving
convection dominated flow problems. Change in concentration due to
hydrodynamic dispersion and adsorption-desorption is accounted for
subsequently, using an implicit finite difference scheme. The soil
moisture and flux distribution required for solving the solute transport
equations is obtained by solving (Mohan Rao, 1986) the head form of
Richards equation using a Crank-Nicolson finite difference scheme. The
problem of non linearity arising due to dependence of scpecific moisture
capacity and capillary conductivity on soil moisture (or capillary head)
was taken care of by using Picard's Iteration method.
To account for solute transport due to convection by MOC the
domain under consideration is discretized by a finite number of moving
packets of a pre-assigned strip thickness. Each moving packet is defined
by two co-ordinates (representing its upper and lower bounds) and the
solute and water volumes contained in it. During simulation, the
movement of these packets is traced. During each time step the new
positions of moving packets are obtained by ensuring a compatibility
between the cumulative water profiles obtained by the considerat of
flow and transport.
Solute volumes (per unit plan area) of these moving packets were
further redistributed amongst themselves to account for solute transport
due to hydrodynamic dispersion. This is done by solving the
governingdifferential equation using an implicit finite difference
scheme. To compute further change in concentration due to
adsorption-desorption of solute by the soil matrix or lateral diffusion
of solute into/out of the immobile phase and subsequent
adsorption-desorption a fixed grid system is superposed on the moving
co-ordinate system. Concentration distribution of this grid is computed
by identifying moving packets lying wholly or partially in the area of
influence of any node. The governing differential equations are then
solved using an implicit finite difference scheme. Further, change in
solute volume (per unit plan area) at the nodes is attributed to the
moving packets.
Thus, the model is capable of simulating spatial and temporal
distribution of solute concentration and quantifying the volume of
solute (per unit plan area) joining the water table.
The model was validated by comparing model simulated solute
transport with the results of two analytical solutions of van Genuchten
and Alves, 1982 (cited in Parker and van Genuchten, 1984) and Parker and
van Genuchten, 1984. The analytical solution of van Genuchten and
Alves', 1982 (cited in Parker and van Genuchten, 1984) pertains to flow
conditions, accounting for linear equilibrium adsorption-desorption.
Neglecting solute matrix interaction this solution was used to validate
the stage I model. Results obtained by the two methods showed an
excellent agreement. The analytical solution of Parker and van Genuchten
(1984) pertains to single phase and two phase solute transport under
steady state flow conditions. For single phase solute transport the
sorption sites present in the soil matrix are assumed to comprise of two
fractions i.e., equilibrium adsorption ('type-1' sites) and kinetic
equilibrium adsorption ('type-2' sites). For two phase solute transport
the interaction between solute and soil matrix in both phases, is
described by a linear equilibrium adsorption-desorption isotherm. By
assigning appropriate values to the parameters, this solution was used
to validate the stage II, III and IV model. An excellent agreement was
obtained for most of the simulations.
The proposed model was also used to simulate reported
experimental data of two field experiments (Warick et al, 1971; Bottcher
and Strebel, 1989).
The model (Stage I) was used to simulate Chloride
concentration profiles in depth under conditions identical to the
experiments of Warrick et al. (transport of CaCl and water in Panoche
clay loam). The simulated and measured concentration profiles compared
reasonably well, except for a lag between the simulated and measured
depth of solute travel. The simulation was repeated considering the
presence of an Immobile phase (Stage III model) and neglecting solute
transfer into/out of the immobile phase (equivalent to a case of anion
exclusion, assuming the effect of osmotic potential on the fluid flow to
be negligible). For 6 = 0.06, the lag was almost eliminated.
A bromide leaching experiment was conducted by Bottcher and
Strebel, 1989 (unpublished data) and breakthrough curves at 51 locations
at depths of 120 cm were measured. Profiles of bromide amounts in depth
at 26 boring sites were also made on two dates. The measured
experimental data exhibited a considerable lateral variation in solute
transport. Although, the proposed model does not account for horizontal
transport, a reasonable agreement was observed between the model
simulated and measured mean concentration distribution.
Model application to real life problems was demonstrated by
simulating two problems of solute transport through the unsaturated
zone. The model was used to simulate salt accumulation in the root zone
of two crops (wheat and rice) assumed to grow over a period of one year
and irrigated by considerably saline water (1.5 mmho/cm). Concentration
profiles (ground to water table) at different discrete times, covering
the entire period were also simulated. Evapotranspiration by the crops
was accounted for (Doorenbos et al., 1979). Salt accumulation in the
root zone was also estimated using the salt storage equation (Van der
Molen, 1973). A considerable deviation was observed between the salt
accumulation as computed by the salt storage equation and by the model.
This deviation was possibly caused by the assumptions on which the salt
storage equation is based.
The model was used to simulate solute travel of a conservative
pollutant (assumed to be abundantly available on the ground) in two
types of soils (loam and clay) under conditions of heavy monsoon
rainfall. At the end of the simulation period (140 days) the solute
joining the water table in case of clay was negligible - caused only by
dispersion. However, in case of loam, the convective front reached the