tn the recent past, in many developing tropical
countries a good deal of research has been carried out
to solve the problems of 'large basins' whereas not much
has been done with regard to the hydrologic problems of
small watersheds. Small watersheds do play important roles
e.g. a village pond is catered by its own small watershed;
in hilly watersheds, the generated runoff causes flash
flood, resulting into disruptions of communication lines
etc. Therefore, it is necessary to look into these aspects
of the hydrologic problems with greater attention.
The hydrologic responses of a small watershed basi
cally depends upon the mechanics of surface runoff which
is primarily a nonlinear process. In this thesis, the
surface hydrologic behaviour of three small natural hilly
watersheds [from 82.0 to 1*100.Q hectares) and of one agri
cultural watershed (1073.0 hectares) have been studied
in details by the application of 'Kinematic Wave (KW) Theory'
During the last two or three decades considerable
research work has been carried out by various researchers
into different aspects of KW theory application to water
sheds of varying physiography. A brief summary of these
efforts is presented in Chapter II of this thesis. The
details of the KW theory i.e. formulation of mathematical
equations and few of their possible solutions which happened
to be explicit in nature have been discussed in Chapter
III. Out of many possible solutions, the three fully offcentred,
first order, numerical finite difference schemes
namely, forward-in-time and backward-in-space (termed as
Scheme I), backward-in-time and forward-in-space (Scheme
II) and backward-in-time and backward-in-space (Scheme lit)
have been preferred and used in this work. Computations
of the models are performed with the help of a digital
computer. The computer code has been written in FORTRAN-IV.
Suitable configuration of distributed parameter
models have been suggested for applying the KW theory to
compute surface runoff (Chapter - III). The data availabi
lity on these watersheds is described in Chapter-IV.
The procedural details for the application of KW
theory to the four small watersheds have been described
in Chapter-V. The physiographic parameters that have been
used are namely, the overland slope and roughness; channel
slope and its roughness, side slope, bed width and water
depth. A systematic sensitivity analysis of these parame
ters has also been carried out. The results indicated
that the effective overland roughness and the overland
slope happened to be the most sensitive parameters. During
the identification analysis, the values of effective over
land roughness parameter have been worked out for diffe
rent parts of the wet monsoon period (i.e. July to October).
The effective overland roughnesses showed an interesting
variation with respect to time in case of all the three
natural hilly watersheds. Also, suitable conclusions have
been drawn with regard to the applicability of the different
types of finite difference computational schemes for the
two distinct categories of watersheds.
As an extension, application of these principles
to ungauged watersheds have also been tried (Chapter-VI).
Possible solutions in the form of nomograms and regression
models have been suggested. It was interesting to note
that the time of concentration (T ) for the same watershed
did not turn out to be a fixed characteristic. Contrary
to belief, it was found that T varied with rainfall excess
intensity and effective overland roughness. Variations
in T were studied in depths. Regression equations were
found for T as a function of area, effective overland
roughness, overland slope, channel slope and rainfall excess
intensity. These concepts were applied to develop a suit
able methodology for using these principles for time-areaconcentration
(TAG) based models. The response of TAC
model was found to be encouraging (Chapter-VI). Appro
priate discussion of results and conclusions as arrived
at in different parts of the thesis have been summarised
in Chapter - VII.
. i .
Concludingly, it is remarked that the KW theory
is a powerful tool in computing the surface hydrologic
responses of small watersheds of tropical regions.