I l tbo pxocont uort tho o14et ovtto at'ueturo of trano tton rotoi ord tho foznation of intozx2i ito
p tr 000 In tEonottion cott3o tneitzUnj rcOciOrirth o1conta
Iiovo boon OtIo Tho i VttCO of tho o10 onlc
factor in tio ZtOn of 2ntoric 1sto phocoo "tau boon otp1aoitcd, Ia ocowronco and otob2 tt' of Jtt Chi. a Lovo phocc n foc1 a tonottLon cothlo cia o dt uooc in torus of tho for Lion of otab o oc onjc Cofl tCu!ationo POPOt by Ooiconov, Ucc$t'oaio coOXotnC ,* p ecent3y Bono havo oucocto. that o C1CQ Offoct8 oro co1y
tho COflOOuOflCO of tho e1 t flee stQtO3 or o otobiUty of tntorc6 Iflto pbooee can bo cu00000fu] y tvorpi oto on tho
topic of otGblo o1octionic eonfturottonc fo by coo vnont
o3omonta in tho contonocd s ato Tho comp ttr cttivoly a `g
diffo oncoa In SPi11ASC of t' cor r to "
no hoorjonotty ron oo t*oroca tho nUo' dtfforoneon in
OV Cw 46 a vo rico to largo bozo cnoity r r oo in Gin= p c &oc.
It to notc8 that tho forantion of cta o 48 confituottona
oro 000?et t t'itb tho otobtU , ntt-on of CLtypo, b0000
tho OtDbbO daM~1/Y*nf t CU O toff O Ai O i 11. VOU Obl7 i V ® not W+P►o
in tho ctobUi tion of t Cu type LavoD iococ,