dc.description.abstract |
Tho oxporitontaL invootitiona prdoontod in this thoaia oro undortakon to otudy the offoots of hoino-gonization temporatur"o, t otng toQporaturo, pro-titotng time toUloaod by otop ajoinj and / or partial revoroiun of 0.P. zones on recwjetnij at to nporaturoo in the vicinity of room temperature (000 to 3W°C), in .A1uminiuo-4,i7 at. per cent Zino al .oyo by electrical reoiotivi ty otudioa6 A comprehensivestudy aao undertaken by oh000int judioiouc combinationo of the abovo faotoro, oo that on the basin of findinLo reported in this thootoo there to poaoibility of abettor undorotonding of the mochaniom of pre ' prooipitation otagoa in Aluminium-Zino ailoy4. |
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