o naturo cavo uv an ilion of ov =tolluray Tho
crooloia of bie ofionco Into cane can bo said to 1 avo tnnpirc6 ho txn1tn6 to dovologo tb2.0 no toohro] ogy Pot1or 1otallurtjys Tho tc ohni*oo of pouSor cotaUnrfW 1c3 to tho dovolopiont of iotolo pooco00int3 ozoolloot proporttot thtc1 cannot bo
obtained by othor tocbnlquoo. Io In all tho a].OD Iron
otool aro
root uUioly uccd0 oar o to
alc3 truo for iron
Ito alloy
potaorc bocou tboao aro
oaoUy prococccd
ehoup ani Vorsattloe Although a nuvzb or of rx odc era avollablo for the production of iron anti tro olloy pot 9orc but t,ttb the morocco in dcnicind ,ad tango natal curlooity lcd to tho birth of not tochnlgooc of po or production,
In the procont tork 0 Production of Iron ung Iron.
' Alloy Poi dor' an attcz pt has boon ria to produce the iron and iron.ailoy poedora of high purity oeonouicaUy from Iron voctoo9 The Iron boort t3 tortolo o8, ocropv turninno atm. yore $1ccoiac d in byt rochlor .c cold anti caput coturated aolutton uno forced at hi hc7 tocporoturo, C cooltn this colutionp tho oryoto o of fowrouo ahlorl$o use e obtained tthich 0ftor coomooctnr Cioro rcducc by bydrogono The hydroobloric amid produccS Gun reduction afl r000vorcd The offoct of tiro and tonporaturo on reduction uoro otz 3iclo
Iho roport boo boon divided into forir chaptor a,
Chc pto $ docilo utth tho so "C1i intro 3uctiono Cdvonto oa of$
1iottattono of potdor tx ta12wj3y c Ito opp1toaUUonob
C'top t+ 1l tnclOoo 12horaturo 1?OU ioa, J critical of voy of the iotboda of iron pott2er production uaa Bono end ro'totcd in thio chaptc itb tho c actoz~otioo of tho povvao pvcduccd by vartouo cot tdo The iochmicz a M#,notloo of the rcdoctto of fori'out cblos'ido to also diocoocd toner cr cytth tho fec i'a oftocttn tho veto + of Pcauctlon4
Chapter Ill doala with fige doocription of ozporttnontol cot ip and proecduro folloocd in the potont invoctigation. The oryotolo of forrooa c orido on alloy obloridoc oro modo
and at ocoLswtng toxo rcduecd In a otaWooc stool. tubo reactor. The hydrochloric acid produced during toductio i vac col] 00tc4 and ito recovery vas cacurc4 by titratingaontnct 19t3V - tTcOH solution. The forrouo chloride crystals t,oro rciuc06 at og 0 Dag oo 66O0G000 nr . G PC ar the aryotola of trop-ahloy chloride natoly 0410. £o.Cr nn n Po••T3 .»Cr oro reduced at GOOD only. Tho c2yntolo ark rot dor pro chorntcelly onolyocd to t11oti tho porcontogo rocovary of hydroohloi'tc octd one] porconte o reduction. ¶o c3~opo of the pertacloo of the
potor produced uoo olso ctudt d.
Roculto obtained fron the oQprimnto carries out
one a d iocuocton on thea conotitatoc the oubjoct rettor of
Chapter V, it to found that tho rcd uction of iron otd Iron-allo r
chloride crystals takes place topoehorntosily, The Increase in temperature increases both the percentage reduction and recovery of hydrochloric acid. Tis. nature of the reduction
of ferrous chloride and Iron-alloy chloride crystals is sam 2t
Presence of Ni tons increase the rate of reduction arrear
Cr Ions reduce it,