dc.description.abstract |
ft cottOopt of doct xocovory of coppor from,
riotto by o10tzOiyt& Wfidng Is ono Vj, tho rovouton.
; rotrnuOG in tho dOvALopiont of, now and offo*ttVo
cntcton tochnilOost Ito oehiovOnts iuot bo vOwd
as a POcoo in Itself and as a part of the total proC000
In .vtch cost and porfQnneo aro oqaUy imtit
cloasum of OffoctivOMOSO It io n00000ary to find it
oLnu cont&ono undor Bch it vU be pooOiblo to rocovor
Ccppor tLth movioun efficiency fm tho rnttO.
Tho dlo.t ctxoDofninO of SOD mtto In an
qU[OOUe solution of Cpo' suiphto and sulphazic ccid has boon otudid, The Influence of ctiront density, ot)CttOde dietonoo, bath ccmpoot tioc.. aid tcpoi zo on the Cathode. curnt oftccncLoo is
A two tank multioloctrod a olcctxZyoio coil has boon 4O6igflOd and fobzzioatod for the otudy of above
rOnt,tonod vor&zbies and optimum conditiona for miutn oCovoy of Cop' fxri the motto hyo bocA obtctcd.
An otpt hot of boon mado for the cocunition of clog pirtiIoo and than conctration of the ono ty f.oth flotation to roVwev tho Oappor entappod in slag
in vaztzc fozzo, |
en_US |