The objective of this thesis is to develop new methods of
model order reduction for single input single output (SISO),
multi-input multi-output (MIMO) continuous and discrete time
systems and compare them with existing methods. This has
been attempted for systems described by transfer functions
or state space models. Frequency domain and mixed time and
frequency domain methods have been proposed. These methods
remove some of the inherent difficulties associated with other
model order reduction methods. Some of the developed methods
are completely new, while in some other cases available techni
ques have been modified for removing their drawbacks. The
reduced order models are utilized for designing controllers
for SISO and MIMO continuous time systems. The performance
of the original system with the designed controller is examined.
Performance comparisons are also made by using controllers
designed on the basis of original high order system.
In classical reduction methods based on continued fract
ion expansion (CFE), Pade approximation and the time moment
matching, the approximation being mostly about a single frequ
ency point (s=0), the reduced order models obtained may suffer
from three serious drawbacks:
(1) The reduced models may be unstable although the original
sy s tem is stable.
(2) The low accuracy in the mid and high frequency ranges.
(3) It may exhibit non minimum phase characteristics.
The mixed methods proposed in this thesis are devoid
of the above shortcomings.
The thesis is organised as under
The introductory first chapter is followed by a review of
frequency domain model order reduction techniques included in
the second chapter. New methods developed for reduction of
SISO scalar systems are given in the third chapter. This
chapter also discusses extension of the scalar methods to the
mu1tivariable case. Development of exclusively new methods
suitable for the model order reduction of multivariable sys
tems have been included in Chapter four. Chapter five elabo
rates new methods for the reduction of discrete time scalar
systems which have also been extended to the multivariable
case. Chapter six extends the methods developed in Chapter
four, for the reduction of discrete time MIMO systems. The
reduced order models obtained in the previous chapters are
employed in Chapter seven, for the design of controllers for
both SISO and MIMO systems using the principle of approximate
model matching. The concluding chapter highlights the contri
butions made in the thesis.