An analog computer makes use of the fact that the equations describing sorre electrical devices are completely analogous to the equations describing other systems like mechanical, chemical, hydraulic, etc.
Basically, all that is needed to simulate a process on an analog computer is to wire or patch together electronic boxes that perform various mathematical operations. The electronic gadgets do the mathematics in terms of dc voltages, usually ± 10 volts or ± 100 volts. These voltages represent the physical , variables in our equations: teme rature, composi-tions, flows, velocities, volumes, pressures, etco
Many fundamental laws of nature are conveniently expressed mathematically by differential equations. When once the differ-ential equation is obtained the next step is to solve it. Analytical methods are available mostly for linear differential equations with constant coefficients. To solve intricate differential equations which are non-linear in nature, it is necessary to use computers....................