The problem of power-system stability has
interested the research workers for the last several •
decades. The mathematical model to describe this system,
taking into account the voltage-regulator and governor
actions, is a nonlinear vector differential equation
involving product-type trigonometrical nonlinearities.
The complexity of the problem has forced workers to
divide the problem, somewhat artificially, to the powersystem
transient-stability and dynamic-stability problems.
While the first study uses a nonlinear mathematical
model of the system, the second study considers a
linearised mathematical model. To solve the transient
-stability problem a number of techniques have been used
by several workers. Methods based on numerical integra
tion using digital computers and analog simulation of
the system can solve this problem but these are laborious
methods. Other methods, like equal-area and energyintegral
criteria, and the phase-plane technique, cons
ider a very approximate system model, always ignoring
the voltage-regulator action and often ignoring the
governor action as well. Yet another method is the
Liapunov's direct method which comments, conservatively,
on Ihe system stability without solving the system
differential equations and can be used as a supplemen
tary method to the other existing methods. This method
requires the use of a Liapunov function. Unluckily,
the generation of a suitable Liapunov function, inspite
of several known techniques to generate it, requires a
lot of skill and ingenuity. Among the various techniques
to generate a Liapunov function the best ones seem to
be the Popov's method and the variable-gradient method.
Liapunov functions have been generated by researchers
for single and multi-machine power systems considering
the governor action but explicit expressions of the
Liapunov function have not been generated except for the
case of simple speed governing with a single time lag
of the prime-mover-governing scheme. No work exists till
date, to the best of the author's knowledge, regarding
the power-system transient-stability study with a
realistic voltage regulator using Liapunov's direct
The present author has attempted to solve the powersystem
transient-stability problem as affected by voltage
regulator and governor through Liapunov's direct method.
The variable-gradient method is used to systematically
generate the Liapunov functions.
The inclusion of the voltage-regulator dynamics
in the system mathematical model, suitable for the study
undertaken, poses a problem. The apparantly simple
relationships of the machine terminal voltage ,
V+ =j(V?d+ V^ ), and the load current, I=JUd+Iq)> in
terms of the direct-,and quadrature-axis components
of the machine terminal voltage and current are very
complicated relationships when expressed in terms of
the system state variables. Accordingly, under different
approximations, a number of voltage-regulator mathe
matical models have been proposed for the various cases
studied here and their accuracies are checked by the
numerical method. It is later found that the more accurate
is the voltage-regulator(avr) representation the less
flexible is the proposed Liapunov function from the
point of view of the system-parameter coordination. The
avr, considered here, is actuated by the system operat
ing parameters (i.e. voltage, current and load angle)
and their time derivatives. It is assumed that the avr
is of the electronic type with negligible time delay and
it feeds the machine field directly. The prime-mover
governor is actuated by the machine lead-angle, speed and
acceleration signals,and is represented by a differential
equation involving either a single tim-o lag for simpler
studies or two time lags. The author's approach to this
problem has been to start with a relatively simple system
and then progressively take more and mere system details.
The present work considers in the beginning the
single-machine transient stability as affected by forced
(derivative-type) governing. A Liapunov function is
derived for the case of single time lag in the governor
control and the effect of parameter variations on
the critical fault-clearing time is studied. A
nonlinear-model parameter-plane study is introduced
for the first time which uses the constraints of
the Liapunov function derived.This gives a region
in the parameter plane which assures asymptotic
stability of the system over a wide range of system
operating conditions.Next, Liapunov functions are
developed for different descriptions of the governing
scheme involving two time lags in its control. For
all cases the machine transient saliency and non
linear damping are included in the system model.
The transient-stability problem of a multimachine
system, without voltage regulator, is studied next.
The nonuniform type of damping power is considered.
A Liapunov function is generated including the fieldflux
decay of all machines for a lossless system,
ignoring the transient saliency of the machines and any
regulator action. This Liapunov function has the
flexibility of putting varying weightages on the
kinetic-energy terms due to relative speeds among
various machines and their absolute speeds. Such a
Liapunov function is also given ignoring the flux decays
but now including the system driving-point conductances.
Next, including the governor control on one machine
only and ignoring the flux decays and system transfer
conductances, Liapunov functions are developed,* the
governor control is of different descriptions involving
one or two time lags in its control mechanism. A
4-machine system is used for illustrating two of the
Liapunov functions derived here.
The present work now includes the voltageregulator
action. First the transient stability of a
single machine, connected to an infinite busbar and
equipped with a 3-term prime-mover governor and
a 2-term voltage regulator,is studied. The voltage
regulator is actuated by deviation in the machine ter
minal voltage and its first time derivative. Synchronous
machines of both salient-pole and turbo types are
considered. The mathematical model considers the non
linear damping phenomenon for the case of salientpole
machine and the quadrature-axis rotor-flux decay
for the case of turboalternator. A number of Liapunov
functions are systematically generated with different
assumptions in the avr mathematical model. The effect
of variations in the regulator parameters is studied
on the critical fault-clearing and circuit-breaker
reclosing times for a 3-phase fault. A nonlinear-model
parameter-plane study is carried out for a case qonsider.
ing only the avr dynamics and it is compared with the
conventional linear-model parameter-plane study.
Explicit expressions are also given to cover the cases
of governing with two time lags.
The case of a doully-excited synchronous generator,
connected to an infinite busbar is next taken up.
The direct-axis avr is actuated by deviation in the
machine terminal voltage and its first derivative while
the quadrature-axis regulator is actuated by the
load-angle deviation and its first two derivatives.
Both these regulators, assumed to have negligible time
delay, feed the respective machine fields directly.
Under different approximations in mathematical modelling
of the voltage regulators, two Liapunov functions are
generated. The governor is again of the 3-term type
with one or two time lags. The effect of parameter
variations on the critical fault-clearing time is
studied using the more flexible type of Liapunov func
A general form of the voltage regulator is now
considered. The single-machine transient-stability
problem is studied with an avr which senses the machine
terminal voltage, load current and their first derivat
ives, and the load angle along with its first two
derivatives.The avr, having negligible time lag, feeds
the machine field directly. The machine is also fitted
with a 3-term governor involving one or two time lags.
Liapunov functions are generated for two approximate
avr mathematical models and the effect of parameter
variations on the critical fault-clearing and circuitbreaker
reclosing times is studied. A brief study is
included here to determine the effect of parameter
variations on the system transient response for small
disturbances through Liapunov's direct method using
linear model of the system and a performance index.
Lastly, the multimachine transient-stability
problem with regulators is considered. Only one machine
is assumed to be fitted with regulators. The avr is actu
ated by the machine terminal voltage, load current,
and their first time derivatives while the governor is
of the 3-term type involving one or two time lags. Under,
various simplifying assumptions Liapunov functions are
generated for 2-machine and multimachine systems. The
effect of parameter variations is studied for 2-machine
and 4-machine systems on the critical fault-clearing