"Rocks of the Jodhpur Group which forms the lowermost
stratigraphic unit of the Marwar Supergroup (Proterozoic to Lower
Cambrian?), occur as flat-topped hills on the eastern fringes of
the Thar desert in Western Rajasthan. These unfossiliferous rocks
are horizontally bedded and are dominantly sandstones with
subordinate shales, deposited in an intracratonic basin.
On the basis of lithological variation, the rocks of the
Jodhpur Group have been classified into five Formations - A,B,C,D,
and E. The sandstone bearing Formation A is the oldest among these
formations. It is overlain by the Formation B which consists
mainly of shale with minor sandstones. The Formation C is mainly
sandstone bearing. It overlies the Formation B and underlies the
Formation D which consists dominantly of shale. The youngest
Formation E which overlies the Formation D is almost entirely
sandstone bearing.
Within the Jodhpur Group, six lithofacies have been recognised
on the basis of lithological characters, sedimentary structures,
paleocurrents and grain size of sediments. These lithofacies have
been interpreted in terms of environmental facies as braided
fluvial facies, low energy beach facies with tidal effects during
depositional regression, storm influenced beach facies during
depositional regression, low energy beach facies during depositional
transgression, lagoonal facies and shelf facies.
Paleocurrent directions obtained from the foreset azimuths of
cross-beds in the sandstones of the braided fluvial facies, have
unimodal distribution with small variance values (1000 to 4000).
The dispersal pattern of sediments appears to have remained more
or less same during the deposition of the FormationsC and E. The
paleocurrent directions were mainly northerly in the eastern part
and north-westerly to westerly in the western part of the area of
study. The streams during the deposition of sediments of the
Jodhpur Group were of very small stature with low discharge.
The sinuosity of the streams was of the order of 1.07. The mean
channel depth, bankful depth and width to depth ratio have been
estimated to be of the order of 1.22 m, 2.92m and 81 respectively.
The mean annual discharge and the mean annual flood discharge
were 60 cu.m/sec and 490-1860 cu. m/sec respectively.
The cyclic nature of sedimentation in the braided fluvial
facies has been studied by facies-state transition probability
matrices. A typical cycle starts with an erosional surface at the
bottom of relatively coarse grained facies_states such as
crudely bedded or planar cross-bedded conglomerate or trough
cross-bedded sandstone or large scale planar cross-bedded
sandstone. These facies-states pass upward to finer facies-states—
cross-laminated sandstones and siltstone, either directly or
through horizontally bedded and small scale planar cross-bedded
sandstone. Within this facies, the channel floor lag deposits are
probably represented by conglomerate facies-state. It appears
that the migration of bars and development of plane beds in the
channel resulted in the formation of trough cross-bedded.
large scale planar cross-bedded and coarse grained horizontally
bedded sandstones. The fine grained horizontally bedded and small
scale cross-bedded sandstones were probably associated with the
bar tops and nearly filled channels. Cross-laminated sandstones
and siltstones might have been formed by vertical accretion.
In the beach facies, to the west of Jodhpur city, asymmetric
ripple marks show bipolar nature of paleocurrents with two modes
180° apart. These modes give north-westerly and south-easterly
paleocurrent directions which may be due to waves travelling
towards and away from the northeast-southwest trending coast. In
the beach areas, foreshore,shoreface and offshore facies have
been identified.
Petrographically, the sandstones of various formations of
the Jodhpur Group, are mainly quartz arenite with minor amounts of
sub-feldspathic lithic and feldspathic arenites and arkose.Quartz is
the dominant constituent of these sandstones. Among the non-opaque,
non-micaceous heavy minerals, zircon, tourmaline and rutile are
the most common minerals. However, garnet, kyanite, sphene,
anatase, actinolite, hornblende', monazite and dumortierite also
occur in minor quantities. Amongst the opaque minerals, magnetite,
ilmenite, hematite, limonite and leucoxene are frequently
encountered. The skeletal grains of sandstones are bonded together
mainly by siliceous and ferrugenous cement.
Whne the sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks of the
Aravallis supplied the bulk of the sediments to the Jodhpur Group
as indicated by high maturity of these sandstones, the igneous
and metamorphic source rocks such as the Malani Rhyolite^the
jalor-Siwana Granite and the schist, gneiss, phyllite and slate
of Archeans, also acted as minor provenances.
Criteria to distinguish sandstones of different formations
have been evolved using discriminant functions based on the modal
constituents and heavy minerals of the sandstones. This technique
has also helped in identifying zircon, tourmaline and rutile as
those heavy minerals which made significant contributions in discri
minating the sandstones from different formations.
Clay minerals of shales from the Formations B and D are mainly
kaolinite and illite with minor amounts of montmorillonite and
chlorite. On the basis of illite intensity ratio and crystallinity
index, shales from these two formations can be differentiated.
Lateral variation in clay minerals indicate 'marine-like'
environments in the northern and western part of the area of study.
Variation in the illite index of shales indicates existence of a
closed basin in the Central part of the area in which sediments of
the Formation D were deposited.
The sandstones are fine to medium and coarse grained with
moderate to moderately well sorting. On the whole, the Jodhpur
Group has 'coarsening up' aspect which was probably controlled by
gradual increase in the tectonic activity of the area. Different
sedimentational environments have played little role in modifying
textural characteristics of sandstones. Amongst the bivariate plots,
however, the scatter diagrams of mean sphericity versus sphericity
variance of quartz grains and mean grain size versus size standard
deviation can be used to some extent to decipher and distinguish
one environment of deposition from the other.Discriminant function
analysis using moments of size, sphericity and roundness of quartz
grains has helped in differentiating beach from shelf and shelf
from braided fluvial facies of the Formations C and E.
A series of transgressions and regressions of sea took place
during the formation of the Jodhpur Group in this area. The lower
part of the Formation A was formed during a regressive phase. A
transgressive phase then started and continued till the sediments
of the Formation B were deposited. The Formations C and E with
the intervening Formation D which was formed under stable sea
conditions, were deposited during regressive phases.
Petrographic and textural studies of sandstone and, conglomerate
reveal that the sediments of the Jodhpur Group were deposited in
warm and humid climate. Paleolatitude of about 35° to 36° H of
the Jodhpur area probably also supports this view."