dc.description.abstract |
"Investigations of earthquake hazards to important
engineering projects in seismically active regions of India
have been gaining increased imoortance. The Koyna Hydro
electric Project in the Peninsular Shield, in the Maharash
tra State and the Yanuna River Valley Project in the Himala
yas, in the Vlestern Uttar Pradesh are two such projects and
therefore investigations were planned in these two regions
with a view to studying the following:-
(1) The response of existing engineering structures during
various earthquakes and the average response spectra for
the Koyna region on the basis of three mailable accelerograms,
(ii) Possible source mechanism 3nd the cause of the recent
seismic activity in the Koyna region.
(iii) Order of the tectonic stress field, if any, operative
in the Dakpather region.
(iv) The rate and nature of creep displacements along the
known planes of recent movements in the Dakpather region.
As, geophysical instruments needed for such studies
were not readily available, it was first necessary to design
and develop some of these, which constitute the major oart
of the work. The instruments designed and developed for the
purpose were as follows:-
(i) Multiple Structural Response Recorder and Roorkee
Seismoscope: These devices produce records to give the
maximum relative displacement resoonse of idealised engin
eering structures which are dynamically equivalent to their
(il] Portable Water Tube Tiltmeter: This system is capable
of measuring small scale seoular ground tilt associated with
elastic straio energy accumulation and release as well as with
rock ereep or movements across known faults or thrusts.
For the studies in the Koyna region, all these instru
ct were used whereas in the D,kpather region only the Por
table Water Tube Tiltmeter and Multiple Structural response
Recorders were employed for measurements. The data thus
obtained though useful for the evaluation of earthquake hazards,
was not in itself sufficient to permit a complete analysis and
therefore, all other relevent data available for the two
regions were also studied. During the period of investigation,
the Koyna region has exhibited greater seismic activity as
compared with the Oakoather region. It was, therefore, possible
to make a more comolate study for the former. However, for the
Dakpather region a qualitative analysis was possible leading
to some broad conclusions.
In the Koyna region, one event was simultaneously
recorded by the MuUiple/^sp'ons^ Recorder, the Roorkee Seismo
scope and aUnited ilectrodynamics XR-240 Accelerograoh. The
two dimensional plots of the computed relative displacement
response in the horizontal plane were prepared and compared
to the records of the seismoscopes. The comparison brings out
the potential of these simplified devices for collection of
Structural response data.
Strong motion records were available for three of the
Koyna earthquakes, on the basis of which average velocity
response spectra for the Koyna region have been computed.
Further more, analyses of these records have.been carried
out to permit comparison of important characteristics. A
model h^s been proposed for the source region which is in
Conformity with the xoove common features as well as with
Oth§r observations nade during the earthquakes. The seismic
activity has been explained as arising from the tectonic re
orientation af dykes due to shear.
In the Dakpat:aer region, the Portable Water Tube Tilt-.
Meter was employed for the Measurement of small displacements
due to tectonic stress field, if any, across a plane of subrecent
movement and the Nah^n thrust. Other indirect evidence
of recent movements ?nd these observations have been discussed.
The temporary seismological observatory in the area recorded
some events with epicentres in the region. But the tilt measure
ments do not give any conclusive evidence of tectonic movements.
Some estimates of creep and seismic disolacement were made on
the basis of recorded data. It is felt that continued measure
ments over a number of years may provide a better understand
ing of the tectonic activity." |
en_US |