The thesis gives a detailed study of the problem of
redundancy allocations in electronic circuits associated with
the protective relay circuits. The approach has been kept
general so that application to various fields is unrestricted.
Operational reliability is the main concern of any electronic
circuit associated with such protective relay circuits. Un
less the electronic components are made absolutely reliable
by tried and tested methods of manufacturing processes, the
choice rests on duplicating the components or, in general, what
is called as redundancy applications.
The thesis begins with a. detailed study of the redundancy
circuits and their modelling as far as the reliability evalu
ation is concerned.
Various types of redundant circuits are analysed to
complete the study. Different approaches are devised for relia
bility evaluation of such networks. In general, one may come
across series and/or parallel or non series-parallel networks
in practice. The non series-parallel networks usually present
difficultywhen the problem is to evaluate the overall reliability
of such networks. Flow-graph method has been developed wherein
a method of inspection makes it all the more easy to calculate
reliability of the redundant networks, quickly.
If the network is large and complex, the reliability
evaluation poses a problem; therefore an algorithm is present
ed for straight and fast computation on a digital computer for
any type of the redundant network. This has been possible by
correlating the properties of redundant networks with those of
The thesis embodies optimisation techniques for maxi
misation of the system reliability subject to linear or non
linear constraints. Here again, various techniques have been
applied, viz. gradient method, Kuhn-Tucker conditions of optimality,
Dynamic programming, Variational method, Discrete
maximum principle, Integer linear programming etc.
Several new approaches and modifications of the existing
methods have been proposed and they are tested on problems
from various sources.
One usually faces the problem of choosing proper values
of Lagrangian multipliers when solving an optimisation problem
with linear constraints. Attempts have been made to make proper
selection of these and to solve such problems with ease. Dynamic
programming formulation in 'summation' form has been developed
and was found to be more convenient than usual 'product' formulation. An algorithm based on Lagrangian multipliers and
general optimal condition is proposed in case of problems with
linear constraints.
A Variational method for multiple linear constraints is
also developed and has been tried on several problems. Discrete
maximum principle has been used for problems with linear and
non-linear constraints. Discrete optimisation technique- is
discussed in general perspective for reliability optimisation
under'several constraints. In the end a comparative assessment
of the methods embodied in the thesis is made to provide th'e
merits and demerits of each so as to allow one to make his
own choice of the method under limitations and advantages exposed.
In brief, a detailed mathematical analysis has been
presented for the problem of reliability evaluation and opti
misation of the redundant networks under conditions specified
which will help to pave the way for making circuits or systems
more reliable.