The present work includes a scientific study of the structure,
petrology and the chromlte deposits of the Pauni-Bhivapur area comprised
largely of the Pre-Cambrian rocks of the Sakoli series. Interrelations
of different rock units of the area, covering over 160 sq.kra. and their
stratigraphic sequence have been established on the basis of detailed
geological and structural mapping. The lithology and general disposi
tion of the various formations have been worked out. A brief discussion
on the regional stratigraohy of the Sakoli rocks has boen included with
a view to facilitate correlation. Field data of different structural
elements were used for the geometrical analysis of fold systems, with
the help of selective and synoptic fl and J3> diagrams. This, in turn,
has made it possible to infer the tectonic history of the area.
Qualitative and quantitative petromineralogic studies of different
rock units consisting of igneous,metamorohic and sedimentary types
have been carried out and their petrography is discussed in detail.
The data obtained from the mechanical analyses of sandstones of the
younger sedimentaries as well as of their heavy mineral content have
been used for the study of environmental conditions of deoosition.
The genetic aspects of the various rock tyVes, particularly the
amphibolites, the granites and pegmatites and the iron ores have been
deciphered from their field relations, mineral paragenesis and their
grade of metamorphism. A brief review of the various ideas on the
genesis of granites is presented.
The distribution, shape and size of the Pauni ultrabasics have
been studied. The petrographic studies of various mineral assemblages
(ii) /
comprising the ultrabasics havebeen carried out. The different
stages of hydrothermal changes suffered by these rocks have been
discussed. A review on genesis of different types of ultrabasics is also
given followed by a discussion on the origin of the Pauni ultrabasics.
The localisation of the chromite deposits, their structure,shape,
size and types have been studied. An examination of several thin and
polished sections, has revealed their texture, optical characters, and
mineral associations. The major and trace-elements of 13 purified chromite
samoles of the area were determined by chemical and spectrographs
analyses respectively. The interrelationship of various elements in
the chromites and their variations have been established. A review of
the chemistry of chromite is given in some detail. The genesis of the
Pauni chromites has been discerned from their field features and megas
copic and microscopic characters.
Mining methods applied for the exploitation of the chromite
deposits have been examined. Various methods of prospecting and
exploration for chromite deposits in general and their suitability
in the present area have also been discussed. Further, a brief dis
cussion on the beneficiation^production, reserves, grade, utilization
and future orospects of the chromite deposits is given . Conclusions
based on t'->e above studies have been summarised in the last chapter.