The thesis deals with the problem of designing
model reference adaptive control systems from different
points of view. It is divided into seven chapters. The
first chapter contains an introduction to the problem of
adaptive control and a review of the literature in this
The second chapter contains an approach to the
design of the overall system so as to guarantee its stabi
lity. This is assured by imposing a Lyapunov function on
the system and selecting the controls so that the deriva
tive of this function is negative. The relation between
this problem and the Lur'e problem of absolute stability
is discussed and some conditions established to obtain a
stable adaption algorithm using only the observed output
variables. Different selections of Lyapunov functions
are shown to lead to continuous or bang-bang controllers.
Extensions of the method are obtained to nonlinear systems
and to the identification problem. Finally, an alternative
method employing an implicit model is discussed, for
identification as well as adaption.
A second method of adaption, based on optimal
control theory, is discussed in the next three chapters.
The third chapter discusses optimal model-following
systems with known inputs, using a quadratic performance
index, and also discusses time-orttimal and singular modelfollowing
systems. "Perfect" model-following is seen to
arise from the latter and also as a limiting case of
"implicit" model-following with quadratic index. A suboptimal
model following system is obtained when only output
feedback is to be used.
The fourth chapter formulates the model-following
problem as a differential game. Existence of solutions to
linear differential games is discussed in some detail and
a dual of this game obtained as a game of estimation. The
real and implicit model-following problems are discussed
from this point of view and it is shown, that, for success
ful model-following, the plant must be "more" controllable
than the model. The problems of stochastic model-following
and model-following with constraints on feedback strategies
is discussed.
The fifth chapter discusses the problem of obtain
ing optimal adaptive systems, with model-following systems
a particular case. A modified quasilinearization method is
developed, so that the successive iterations for the optimal
control can be carried out from the knowledge of the nominal
solutions only. This obtains successive corrections to the
nominal control in a series form, whieh is shown to be based
on sensitivity functions and thus the same as suggested by
Werner and Cruz. It is also shown that similar development
is possible using the method of invariant imbedding.
The sixth chapter contains two new identification
methods based on orthonormal functions for identifying the
parameters of linear systems. One method uses the integrals
of orthonormal functions as "subsidiary" functions; the
other uses the co-efficients of the expansions of the
system output and its integrals in orthonormal series,
both methods leading to an algebraic equation for the
The seventh and last chapter contains a critical
summary of the results and suggestions for further investigations.