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dc.contributor.author Gupta, Bishan Lal
dc.date.accessioned 2014-09-30T12:51:02Z
dc.date.available 2014-09-30T12:51:02Z
dc.date.issued 1968
dc.identifier Ph.D en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/3308
dc.guide Singhal, B. B. S.
dc.description.abstract A systematic study of the ground water conditions in th© districts of itazaffarnagar ®n& parts of Meerut district was taken up in August, 1964 for determining quantitative and qualitative characters of th© ground water reservoir of the ar«a. This was of iraportanc© fron the point of view of further ground water developmoit in the area. Th© investigated area (approxinately 7,265.28 sq. kms.) Is located within the Gajnga-Yamuna Doab which is character ised by th© alluvial deposits comprised of sand, silt, clay and ksnkar. In order to determine the sub-surfae© g«ology of the area, the lithologioal logs of to wells bored in th© area were collected and th© data were plotted to delineate th© various aquifers and sauicludes. The sand samples were subjected to mechanical analysis and the grain sis© parameters were determined which are of help in defining the aquif©r characteristics. These data wer© also utilised to plot the C.;i. patterns which are of help in determining the conditions of sedimentation. The drainage characteristics \i at bifurcation ratio and drainage density for the area were determined from one inch - xvi - survey of India topo sheets. Thai© data a*© of help in getting a quantitativ© picture of drainage and are also of help in getting an idea of the permeability of the surface formations. Based on th© lithologioal logs, well aasembly and vat©r level, two types of aquifers have bean delineated in this region. One of th©s© It th© ©hallow aquifer which extends upto a depth of 80 f«©t which is under watar table conditions. The other ar« th© confined aquifer© which are located from 100 - 350 feet below th© ground surface. Th© two types of aquifare are ©©porated by aquitard comprised of clay and jsan&ar.. However, tha ¥at«r table for the shallow aquif«r i© mor© or l«ss at the ©am© level as th© pieaometeri© surface for th© d©«p©r confined aquifers (upto a depth of 350 feat. )• Th© periodic fluctuations of the water lev©! in th© shallow dug wells and th© d©ep tobewolls were observed. The ©bs»rv©d data are us©4 in preparing th© water table and isoplestic maps for the different seasons, these data alengwlth rainfall, and river discharge data have ©©•» ua*d for statistical correlation purposos. Th© correlation factor between various variables have bo©n determined and their significance has been explained. The rainfall penetration has also been worked out on the basis of statistical analysis of rainfall and water level data. Long range pump tests were carried out from 16 tubewells and both the drawdown and th© recovery phases were studied. Th© data are used to determine the aquifer constants by various methods. The aquifer characteristics have given a complex and interesting picture. This information was utilised for further - KVil - detailed analysis and it is concluded that the deeper aquifers in the area are under leaky confined conditions. The quantitative assessment for both the shallow and the confined ground water reservoirs was made and based on this the possibility fof further ground water development in the area has been expressed. A good ©E^iiaais during this work was also given to the chemical characters of ground waters. The water samples war© collected from both the shallow and the deeper aquifers for the chemical analysis. Sas^les were collected twice in a year i.e. In June and again in October so that seasonal variation, if any, in th© quality nay also be determined. The data have b©©m utilised in classifying th© water for determining their suitability for irrigational purposes. It has been found that there are differences in the chemical quality of water from shallow to deep aquifers. There are seasonal variations in the chemical quality and also a lateral variation in th© direction of flow. These differences and variations have been explained. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject MUZAFFARNAGAR en_US
dc.subject MEERUT en_US
dc.type Doctoral Thesis en_US
dc.accession.number 105248 en_US

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