"In the words of Dana 'Pegmatites are the museum of
nature'. Moreover, they have a unique economic importance
and are recognised the world over, as the store house of
nuaerous valuable minerals. ?he 3hil*ara pegnatltes of
Bajasthan are considered important for their musosvitc and
beryl and lately for the tavs earth minerals, ""rude mining
methods for their exploitation were employed roughly i« the
third decade of the present century and stll the mining is
primitive. There Is not mioh of mechanisation an-.* most of the
mines are closed with the decline in mica concentration and
with the fall In prices*
In the following pages the results of the detailed
studies carried on the pegmatites are given with a vie* to
unravel the difficult problems of their emplacement. Along
with this pursuit of pro-Men some stratlgrvphlc correl tions
and the general tectonlo pattern of the area have be**n worked
out. ) ring these investigations atte pts have been made to
establish the nature of eoonomic concentration of Muscovite In
a pegmatite and its implications as most of the pegmatites are
generally considered as very erratic.
It is hoped that the present work will not only provide
better academic understanding of the pegmatite the geology
of the Bhilwara area but also, will provide appreciable help
in the prospecting and exploitation of the pegmatites."