The thesis gives a detailed study of the transients
in Schrage Motor consequent to various types of switching
operations and loading etc. The treatment makes use of the
'quadrature-components approach' for the analysis. Starting
with a primitive machine with 4 coils on the stator and
2 coils on the rotor, a circuit representation of the Schrage
motor for transient conditions has been obtained. Through
the use of appropriate connection matrices, the circuit
equations have been so simplified that the electrical char
acteristics can be represented by a set of four simultaneous
differential equations of the first order. .An equation link
ing the electrical and mechanical quantities and the mech
anical equation of motion completes the set of system equa
tions used in the study. The system equations as finally
derived can be reduced to a form identical to those obtained
for a three phase induction machine, when the effects of
additional tertiary winding are eliminated.
The circuit equations are differential equations with
constant coefficients if the rotor speed is assumed to
remain constant, an assumption which is valid if the study
is confined to small intervals of time. This assumption is
widely made in the study of transient phenomena in induction
machines. Analytical solutions of system equations for
currents and electromagnetic torque are obtained for diff
erent modes of switching-in operation e.g. starting from
standstill but with a definite phase shift introduced in
the injected voltage, and the most general case of switching-
in from any initial speed of rotor, with arbitrary
brush-separation and brush-axis shift. The transient currents
predicted from this analysis are compared with those actually
recorded experimentally for varying operational conditions,
and it is shown that the agreement between predicted values
and actual values is very close. For more complicated cases
of switching-in process, with non-quiescent initial condi
tions, but with rotor speed still assumed constant, it is
difficult to arrive at the analytical solutions, because of
the lengthy nature of the expressions involved; however, the
methods of such solution have been indicated herein. For such
cases the method of numerical integration can be used more
conveniently, to obtain a numerical solution with the help
of a digital computer. The results of direct numerical
integration and analytical solutions are shown to be in
agreement. The influence of various machine parameters and
switching conditions on the current and torque transients
has been investigated.
For studies where the speed cannot be assumed to
remain constant, e.g. in study of dynamic torque-speed
characteristics, acceleration process and effects of sudden
loading etc., the system equations become differential
equations with variable coefficients. Such equations are
not amenable to analytical methods of solution and can only
be solved either by analogue methods or, by numerical methods
using digital computers. Methods for solution using digital,
computers are given in this thesis. The computer flow chart
the source programme have been given. Application of
the programme for the study of dynamic response for a few
typical cases is given.
An important, but hitherto unknown, operational feat
ure of the Schrage motor has been brought out. It has
been shown that a Schrage motor may be started from stand
still even across a single-phase supply. Requisite condit
ions have been deduced. The response of the machine when
connected to a single-phase supply, or only two of the
phases of a three-phase supply, has been investigated.
Necessary circuit equations have been developed. Analytical
solutions have been obtained on the assumption of constant
rotor speed. For evaluation of dynamic response, treating
speed as a variable, the method of direct numerical solut
ion has been applied. The necessary computer flow chart and
source programme developed are given. The influence of
various parameters on winding currents and torque are inves
tigated. The effects of opening of one of the supply phases,
on the response of a running machine are discussed.
Results recorded experimentally are compared with
those predicted from the analysis given in this thesis.
A record of experimental determination of machine para
meters used in this analysis is also given.
In brief, a mathematical analysis has been given for
the study of transient phenomena of different types. The
validity of this analysis has been checked at various stages
by comparison with experimental records. The analysis has
then been used to obtain further new information regarding
transient behvaiour of the machine under different
operational conditions, which it is difficult to obtain
by experimental methods.