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In the last few decades, there has been an increasing interest in model based robust
controllers because of two main factors. The first one is technological advances and the other
is due to challenges such as demand for higher level of automation to reduce lifecycle costs,
issues such as maintenance on demand, zero standstill, and fault tolerance. Due to these
challenges linear and decoupled control algorithms have proved to be rather inefficient. On
the other hand advances in the fields of microprocessors, microcontrollers, digital signal
processors and communication have made implementation of complex and advanced control
algorithms very much easier and practical and hence have given an impetus to the field.
Added to this, economic and social factors like market competition and increase in demand
for high quality products have boosted the need for model based robust and adaptive
controllers. This is especially true in control of robotic systems as they are the main
workforce in industrial manufacturing and the quest is to achieve improved interaction of
robotic systems with humans, to design controllers for efficient task coordination between
multiple robots and to design high precision robots having improved rigidity and stiffness.
The latter one can be achieved by using parallel robots such as the Stewart platform
manipulators and utilizing soft computing techniques for their robust control.
Stewart platform manipulators are six DOF parallel robots having fixed base and
movable platform joined by six extensible legs. They have high structural rigidity and
stiffness and are preferred over serial robots for applications such as precision machining,
robotic surgery and so on. However the absence of robust controllers, which are able to
compensate their nonlinear dynamics and uncertainties due to model inaccuracies, parameter
variations, and external disturbances, has limited the real application of the manipulators to
low speed motion simulators only. Presently, only single input single output PID controllers
are in practical use and these controllers have a number of drawbacks including lack of
synchronization and low performance. To tackle these problems, some researchers have
proposed various robust and adaptive controllers which are based on hard computing.
Nevertheless results have shown that the controllers were unable to tolerate the uncertainties
and their performance degrades when the manipulator moves at high speeds. Therefore using
soft computing techniques for the design of a robust controller for Stewart platform
manipulators is expected to result in a better and effective controller.
Soft computing is a word coined by L.A. Zadeh and refers to a methodology which
tends to fuse synergyically the different aspects of fuzzy logic, neural network, genetic
algorithm and other evolutionary algorithms to achieve a system that is tolerant of
imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth and approximation. Researches in the last few decades
have witnessed the successful applications of soft computing to aerospace industry,
communication systems, consumer appliances, electric power systems and manufacturing
automation including serial robots. However, the application of this important tool for the
control of parallel robots has not been investigated. This thesis is a step in this direction. To
this end, the thesis tries to systematically combine and pull together three important areas:
nonlinear robust control, with emphasis on sliding mode control, soft computing and Stewart
platform manipulator control.
The thesis begins by presenting a state of the art literature review on sliding mode
control, on Stewart platform manipulator modeling and control and on application of soft
computing techniques for robust control. Then five important applications ofsoft computing
techniques for robust control are proposed and implemented through simulations. The first
application discussed in the thesis is solving forward kinematics problem ofthe manipulator.
Forward kinematics is the computation ofend-effector/platform position and orientation from
given leg length values and is necessary to close the feedback loop in task space control of
the manipulator. Nonetheless, unlike serial manipulators, in Stewart platform manipulator its
mathematical formulation is highly nonlinear and coupled making computation highly
complex and time taking. To solve this problem, the thesis deals with exhaustive comparison
between the performance oftwo estimation methods, the hard computing Newton Raphson
numerical method and the soft computing neural networks method. The performance metrics
used for the comparison are: estimation error for position and orientation and average time
taken, tolerance to external disturbances and uncertainties present in the manipulator. The
methods are compared using various trajectories. Simulation results showed that, the
numerical algorithm, irrespective of initial conditions taken, always has more estimation
error than neural network. Moreover, it was found that numerical algorithm takes longer
average time while neural network takes less average time with uniform estimation error for
all trajectories. Hence wefound that using neural network improves control performance.
The second application of soft computing techniques dealt in the thesis is improving
robustness of existing controllers. In Stewart platform manipulator, there are two basic
approaches used for controller design, namely joint space approach and task space approach.
In the joint space approach, the controller is a collection of single input single output (SISO)
systems implemented using local information on each actuator length only and the coupling
between legs is ignored or is considered as a disturbance. The most important and practically
used joint space SISO controller is PID control. The advantage of this approach is that local
information required for feedback is obtained easily using simple sensors and the control
algorithm is easy for parallel implementation. Due to this, the control algorithm is able to
execute reasonably fast. But the performance of such controllers quickly degrades when the
manipulator speed is increased. In the thesis, a solution to this problem is proposed using
fuzzy logic, where the three gain parameters of the PID controller are tuned using fuzzy logic
system. Though using fuzzy logic to tune PID controllers has been proposed by earlier
researchers for other systems, it has not been used for Stewart platform. Moreover, in our
proposed controller, the fuzzy logic system has additional advantage of achieving
synchronization. Hence in our proposal, like the joint space PID control, each leg is
controlled by a PID controller but the gains are varied by a fuzzy logic system. The input to
each fuzzy logic system is a weighted sum of errors in all legs and the rate of change of the
weighted sum of errors. The weight factor is taken based on intuition and it enables to
minimize the coupling error between the legs, which is drawback of independent leg PID
control. Simulation results showed that the controller has better performance than simple PID
controller in terms of tracking accuracy and robustness against parameter uncertainty.
The third application of soft computing techniques discussed in the thesis is in the
design of three types of sliding mode controllers. These are: task space fuzzy sliding mode
controller (TFSMC), fuzzy sliding mode controller with integral loop (FSMCPI) and hybrid
sliding mode controller with synchronization error. The FSMC presented utilizes the full
dynamics of the manipulator and fuzzy logic is used as switching controller. Task space
position and velocity errors are used as inputs to the fuzzy logic system and their universe of
discourse is selected based on disturbance bounds. Simulation results have shown that it
performs better than joint space PID but it has small control signal chattering which is the
usual problem of sliding mode controllers. To solve this problem, external PI loop is used to
enhance the performance ofthe controller. The assumption taken is that the PI loop serves as
along time average calculator and minimizes chattering. Simulation results have shown that
the FSMCPI performs better than both independent PID controller and fuzzy sliding mode
controller. However, a better result is obtained by using hybrid implementation. The hybrid
sliding mode controller is a combination of task space and joint space approaches. The
switching controller part of the sliding mode controller is implemented in joint space and the
model based equivalent control part is implemented in task space. The hybrid structure
makes the controller easier to implement and avoids the need for forward kinematics
estimation. Moreover the controller uses a newly proposed sliding surface which helps to
drive synchronization error to zero and the controller achieves high performance in task
The fourth application of soft computing used in this thesis is evolutionary computing
technique of genetic algorithm. In this thesis, it is used to solve an important design problem,
viz., design of integral sliding mode controller for systems having unmatched uncertainty.
There are various methods proposed to solve the basic drawbacks of classical sliding mode
controller. These include: higher order sliding modes, boundary layer methods and integral
sliding mode control. Integral sliding mode control (ISMC) is an improvement over
conventional SMC and uses a nonlinear sliding surface having an integral term. It is able to
remove reaching phase problem of conventional sliding mode by using a sliding surface
which is designed to constrain the system states to be on sliding mode from initial time.
Moreover, the sliding surface of ISMC improves the stability of sliding dynamics and it
attempts to enhance robustness against unmatched uncertainties. Nonetheless the design of
sliding surface of ISMC is not a simple task and has no formal methods, especially for
nonlinear systems with unmatched uncertainty. To solve this problem, the design of integral
sliding mode controller is formulated as optimization problem and genetic algorithm is used
for its solution. The application of the method to SISO and MMO systems is discussed using
examples. Finally genetic algorithm based multi-objective optimization is proposed as a
design method for design of integral sliding mode controller for Stewart platform
manipulators. The simulation results of the controller designed using the proposed method
shows that the method can effectively be used for the design of ISMC for MMO systems
having unmatched uncertainty.
In the last part ofthe thesis, as fifth application ofsoft computing technique, a new
controller having a better robustness and performance is presented. The controller is a
neuro-fuzzy sliding mode controller. The controller has two parts: fuzzy logic system and
neural network. The fuzzy logic and neural network parts are used concurrently but each part
is responsible for one phase ofsliding mode controller. The fuzzy logic system is utilized to
control reaching phase dynamics and the feedforward neural network is employed to keep
the system states on the sliding surface. The neural network is trained online using modified
back propagation algorithm. When the controller is used in a closed loop system, initially the
fuzzy logic system part ofthe controller is dominant and has bigger output but as the system
moves from reaching phase to sliding phase, the neural network part becomes more active as
it learns the dynamics of the system. This hybrid computing paradigm is effective to avoid
chattering and to better handle uncertainties. The stability of the system is analyzed using
Lyapunov's direct method. The proposed controller is implemented to regulate a second
order nonlinear uncertain system and simulation results confirm that the proposed system
reduces chattering and improves transient response.
All in all, the thesis deals with the various ways of using soft computing techniques
for robust and high performance control of Stewart platform manipulator. The stability of all
ofthe robust controllers designed for Stewart platform manipulator have been analyzed using
Lyapunov's method and were implemented using Simmechanics toolbox of MATLAB and
simulink. The controllers have been checked by taking wide uncertainty limits to minimize
challenges in practical implementation. All of the simulations have shown promising results.
The controllers discussed in the thesis are not only useful for the advancement of the field of
robotics control but also have wider contribution to the field of nonlinear system control. |
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