Cosmic rays and alpha particles remain the dominant factors which degrade the performance of
modern electronic systems. It has been widely reported that there are many critical applications
that got affected by the radiations. Protection against the effects of radiation is very important
for space, biomedical, computing and communication applications. In the past, radiation effects
were limited to only hostile environments such as space. However, with the advances in the
process technology, the charge stored at the circuit node decreases dramatically due to the
shrinking transistor geometries and decreased supply voltages. Thus low energy particles at the
ground level can also cause upsets. The importance of effectively dealing with routing
infrastructure of the internet or data corruption issues in medical electronics cannot be
In bulk Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs), radiation induced
charges are mainly corrected by the funneling effect. However, in silicon on insulator (SOI)
MOSFETs, the parasitic bipolar effect leads to single event upset (SEU). Lattice damage and
ionization damage are the two fundamental physical damage mechanisms that take place in
MOS devices exposed to radiations. Total-ionizing-dose (TID) and single-event-effects (SEE)
are the two major categories of radiation effects on integrated circuits. One of the primary
motivations behind development of SOI technology is its intrinsic hardness to radiation due to
the presence of buried oxide. However, scaling has drastically reduced on-chip capacitances,
leaving the logic on recent generation hardware vulnerable to radiation induced upset. With the
devices being scaled down, there is an increase in the SEU not only in bulk but also in SOI
devices. To resolve the scaling issues, the multiple gate technology is the most promising
among the alternatives to conventional single gate (SG) technologies. However, TID as well as
SEE in multiple gate devices have not been extensively studied yet, mostly because these
devices are still at an early stage of development. Only recently, total-dose experiments on
advanced multiple gate structures have been performed. For present day multiple-gate devices
the orders of magnitudes of radiation effects have to be re-considered.
This thesis primarily deals with the study of radiation effects; TID as well as SEE in MOS
based devices and circuits. This thesis also introduces radiation environment, sources, radiation
damage mechanism in semiconductor devices and their effects in integrated circuits. An
extensive literature survey pertaining to the state of the art in the area of study is presented.
Many important research papers are referred and cited which allow one to fully appreciate the
usefulness of mitigation of radiation effects in present day devices and circuits. Various
research gaps are identified based on extensive literature review.
Modeling and simulation is an ongoing topic of research for many engineers and device
physicists to accurately predict the behavior of fabricated devices. The purpose of modeling is
to derive simple, fast and accurate analytical (mathematical equations) representations of the
terminal electrical characteristics of devices. Simple analytical models of the MOS transistors
are needed for computer-aided design of circuits containing thousands to millions transistors on
a silicon chip. Compact models are needed to compute analytically the device characteristics,
rapidly enough, for use in circuit simulators to design and optimize the performance of circuits
containing thousands to millions of similar and dissimilar transistors. There are several studies
that deal with the effect of irradiation on threshold voltage and device characteristics of
Analytical models for estimation of electrical characteristics of irradiated single gate MOS
device have been widely reported. However, analytical models for irradiated multiple-gate
devices such as FinFET have not yet been reported. The generation of traps in the BOX and the
interface traps at the sidewall of the fin, influence the electrical characteristics of an irradiated
FinFET device. This thesis deals with the development of analytical model for threshold
voltage, mobility, drain current and leakage current in irradiated FinFET device. The effect of
quantum mechanical confinement has also been included in the developed model. The models
developed for irradiated FinFET device are validated against reported experimental data and
TCAD simulation results. The results obtained on the basis of our model were found to be a
close match with the reported results thus ensuring the accuracy of the model developed.
This thesis also presents the TCAD simulation studies of effect of radiations on bulk structure,
SOI, FinFET and 3D SRAM cell. Effective methods for the mitigation of radiation effects in
MOS devices are indentified with TCAD simulation of different kind of devices. The concept
of 'Linear Energy Transfer' (LET) and funneling mechanism in bulk structure has been
presented. The only radical technology introduced to mitigate radiation effects has been the use
of SOI that slowly spread throughout the semiconductor industry for high performance
applications. To further enhance the tolerance of SOI devices to radiation effects, nitride BOX
layer and use of body-ties are the prominent methods identified to harden them. This thesis also
reports analysis of the effects induced by exposure to Gamma radiation on device
characteristics of an extremely scaled 25 nm Q-FinFET, developed using 3D process and
device simulator. Apart from radiation model, various other models are switched used in
simulator to study quantum effects. The effect of irradiation on conduction band energy,
threshold voltage, on-state drive current, off-state leakage current and sub-threshold slope of QFinFET
have been reported. Process and device mixed mode simulations are also carried out to
analyze the effect of heavy ion strike on contiguous 3D SRAM cell. We observe that multiple
gate devices are more immune to radiation effects as compared to single gate devices.
Flip flop and SRAM cell are one of the most vulnerable circuits to ionizing radiation. We have
proposed different circuit level techniques to mitigate the radiation effects in flip flop, SRAM
cell, sense amplifier and address decoder. This thesis presents novel method to make flip-flop
radiation tolerant. For the purpose of validating the proposed flip-flop, simulated results have
been compared with the conventional D-type flip flop and also with the reported radiation
hardened flip flops. We observe that the proposed approach has significantly less overhead than
approaches based on other reported radiation hardened techniques. Combinational logic block
(CLB) containing flip-flops is one of the major components in field programmable gate array
(FPGA). As a case study, we have designed CLB using conventional D type flip flop as well as
proposed flip flop and carried out analysis that proves the effectiveness of the proposed
radiation tolerant flip-flop.
Various methods to make SRAM cell immune to radiations have been discussed in the thesis.
The best possible method to make SRAM cell immune to radiation has been found out.
Analytical model for the critical charge has also been developed. Modified source potential
based several types of SRAM cells are studied. SRAM cells are designed with pull-up and/or
diode pair configuration. It was concluded that the proposed (type 5) configuration can be used
to enhance the immunity to ionizing radiations. In this thesis, a novel radiation hardened SRAM
cell has also been proposed that has less charge removal time and read delay. We observe that
SRAM cell based on multiple gate technology gives better immunity to radiation as compared
to bulk and SG technologies.
Sense circuitry in the memory system is highly sensitive to radiation effects. Radiation induced
upset may be directly generated in the sense amplifier itself. The occurrence of an upset in the
sense amplifier produces a wrong output in the readout process, without changing the memory
cell stored value. This will have serious implications on the reliability of SRAM cell. This
thesis targets the memory peripherals to make them tolerant to radiations. The novel radiation
hardened, independent-gate, process-variation-tolerant, high speed double gate (DG) FinFET
based sense amplifier (RHIGSA) has been proposed in this thesis. The new design exploits the
'Dual Interlock Cell' (DICE) latch and the back gate of a DG FinFET device for dynamic
compensation against ionizing radiations. High performance variant of RHIGSA has also been
presented. Tolerance to process variations and lower sensing delay are the prominent features
of the proposed sense amplifier.
Address decoder is another vital element in the memory array which realizes selection of a
memory cell. In case of radiation induced fault in address decoder, address may be applied to
wrong memory cells for reading or writing purpose, Multiple upsets were also observed due to
a fault in the disabled word line of address decoder. This thesis deals with the issues related to
the effect of radiations in memory address decoders. Features of different types ofNOR address
decoders based on DG-FinFET technology are presented. Various schemes based on back gate
bias connections and restricted swing on enable and address lines have been discussed. Power,
delay and effect of process-voltage-temperature (PVT) variations have been reported. Through
this study, we observe that tied gate configuration is the best choice for radiation hardened
address decoders. However, there is a trade-off involved for high performance or low power
Finally, we can conclude that, the use of Nitride oxide, body contact device and multiple gate
structure are the efficient methods to mitigate radiation effects in MOS devices. Novel circuits
for flip-flop, SRAM cell and sense amplifier, proposed in this thesis, could be used to achieve
immunity against ionizing radiation.